27 MARYVILLE F 016.02 FAY 51 3B: b. Maryville. Hw., worked as TVA secretary and at husband's law office; Presbyterian; B.A. degree. Book club, sorority, church women's association. Travel limited to vacations. Mother: b. Blount Co.; college; hw. MGP: Blount Co. for several generations; Scotch-Irish ancestry to N.C. to Tenn. Father: b. Maryville; college; lumber dealer. PGP: Mecklenburg, Germany. Husband: b. Birmingham, Ala.; 51; attorney, realtor; Presbyterian; college; grew up in Meridian, Miss.; father b. Jefferson Co.; mother b. Knox Co. A near-perfect cultivated informant; honest, open, and excellent memory. Urban Supplement included. LP/71, GB/78:LP/71, 79 7 hr. 15 min.