741 ARKADELPHIA FM 488.02 FUY 40 3B: b. Little Rock, moved to Arkadelphia as an infant. Hw., graduate student; Methodist; nursing degree, B.A. degree, working on Master's. Church choir, Philharmonic Club. Travel in all states except SW; Mexico, Canada, western Europe. Mother: b. Shreveport, La.; college; hw., insurance agency. MGF: possibly b. La.; college; piano store owner. MGM: b. Holly Grove, Monroe Co.; some college; hw. Father: b. Arkadelphia; law school; attorney. PGM: possibly b. Talladega, Ala.; college; librarian. PGF: Arkadelphia; college; lawyer. PGGF: Arkadelphia. Husband: 46; physician; Methodist; medical school; Rotary Club; family from Mo. Cooperative, forthright, and unpretentious. Variants of lexical items and variations in pronunciation offered freely. MB/ 77:MB/79 4 hr. 50 min.