interviewer: Now what might you say is something a little more severe than a spanking? 040: A whipping. interviewer: Okay. And if um uh you might see a little boy you haven't seen for a while you say my how you've- 040: Grown. interviewer: And you say he really what a lot in the last year? 040: He's- He has grown a lot. interviewer: And just without the has you say this year he- 040: He grew a lot. interviewer: Alright. And you could almost see him- 040: Grow. interviewer: Alright and then the name for an illegitimate child {NS} 040: Well I'd just call 'em an illegitimate child. interviewer: Uh-huh. What other terms are there that you're familiar with? 040: Uh. {NS} I don't know what they would refer it to. interviewer: Well that's #1 alright # 040: #2 {X} # interviewer: uh certain- 040: Uh. interviewer: There's the word bastard of course but you're gonna hear also a- you know a- a number of kind of jocular 040: Uh-huh. interviewer: {X} things like uh- 040: Yeah. You might hear those around here. interviewer: Alright. 040: #1 Those words are- # interviewer: #2 If they are- # 040: are used with- with profanity. interviewer: Yeah. I see okay that's good. Um. Now if your talking about say that- that uh uh uh one girl is a loving child the other daughter you say she's- she's even't a- 040: #1 You want # interviewer: #2 Say- # 040: the opposite of loving or- interviewer: No no not the oppos- say Jane is a loving child but Mary is an even- 040: Uh. More loving? interviewer: Yeah or see you say loving or- or more loving exactly. And they um- your brother's um uh your brother's son would be your- 040: Nephew. interviewer: Alright and a child whose parents are dead is a- 040: Orphan. interviewer: And a- cuz the court had to appoint somebody to take care of that child that person would be a- 040: Guardian. interviewer: Alright. And all the people related to you are your- 040: Relatives. interviewer: And if your talking about someone who is not um a um uh uh related to you you might say he is- 040: Nor kin. interviewer: Okay. And a person- you see a person from out of town you say that person is a- never seen 'em before you say that person is a- 040: Stranger. interviewer: Alright. Um. How do you use the word foreigner? What is the word foreigner to you? 040: A foreigner usually means from a different country. interviewer: Okay. And they- when an announcer- announcer uh say's that {D: he tends to do something like} ladies and- 040: Gentlemen. interviewer: Now how do you use that word gentlemen in what- what oth- what sense would you use the word in- in normal conversation? 040: When you're talking about a man that's rather polite. Or dignified in some sort you refer to that type of man as a gentleman. interviewer: Alright but you wouldn't say- cuz then you wouldn't- would you say there's a man at the door or there's a gentleman at the door? Uh when you're talking to someone? 040: Most of the time you just say there's uh a man at the door. interviewer: I see. Okay. And the uh- mother Jesus her name was- 040: Mary. interviewer: And her sister's name was 040: Martha. interviewer: And they uh some- the second part of yearning is uh some- sometimes people have that name and then they Paul for short or nickname would be {B} Yeah and- and with a boy um might be called Bill or he might also be called- 040: Billy. interviewer: Yeah. And his full name would be- 040: William. interviewer: And the first book of the New Testament is- 040: Genesis. #1 Oh. # interviewer: #2 New Testament. # 040: Matthew. interviewer: Yeah. And what would you call a- a- a- a female school teacher? Would you have any special- Aux: Wait a minute which one of you two is- interviewer: Female school teacher? You'd say she's a- 040: Well sometimes the people would refer to her as a schoolmarm. interviewer: Yeah that's what I meant. Um and a uh- an unskilled or an 'un- a preacher or minister who wasn't ordained you might say he's a- 040: I guess we'd- I don't know. Aux: Would you ever use the term jackleg? 040: Jackleg? Pretty sure. Jackleg mechanic. interviewer: Uh-huh. 040: Somebody- interviewer: #1 Anybody who isn't uh # 040: #2 {X} # interviewer: What would a jackleg mechanic be? 040: Or we call them a mechanic's shade tree mechanic's one who don't have a- interviewer: Shade tree? That's what- I've never heard that one before. One who doesn't have really- 040: Other than business. Uh. interviewer: #1 Oh. # 040: #2 Or it's- # It's not trained or he just does it on the side. interviewer: I see. 040: He's not actively engaged in that. interviewer: S- Ah I see okay wouldn't just be part time though it would mean it's kind of a- 040: Well yeah it's part time just uh- interviewer: #1 Is it used- # 040: #2 On the side. # interviewer: Is it used uh in a derogatory way? I mean would you call- would you call mr uh {B} a shade tree barber? 040: Yes. I guess so. interviewer: Okay something kind of- I mean it is- what I'm getting at is it a non-complement is it- 040: #1 No no no. # interviewer: #2 A jackleg though is isn't it? # 040: Yes. Uh-huh. interviewer: Yeah that's- that's the different 040: #1 uh-huh. # interviewer: #2 terms # I was getting at. Introducing uh uh- uh If you're- you're trying to find some relationships {X} I have the- the man and a woman here. And- and you say now that's- that's your uncle and that woman she's- 040: Your aunt? interviewer: Yeah. And uh the- the name Sally is a nickname for- 040: Sarah. interviewer: Yeah. And the um the uh Kennedy's first name was- President. 040: John. interviewer: Yeah. And the uh- uh Robert E Lee was a- 040: General? interviewer: Yeah and so you'd call him- 040: General Lee. interviewer: Yeah. And a man right under a general would be a- 040: Colonel. interviewer: Yeah. And saying it with Brown you'd say- 040: Colonel Brown. interviewer: Yeah. And then another- another rank would be um in- in the army {D: lord may appear} when speak of the um- 040: Sergeant? interviewer: Higher than sergeant. 040: Lieutenant? interviewer: And higher than lieutenant. 040: Lieutenant colonel? interviewer: Uh-huh but- Now this man right there? This is a word that isn't only- {NS} -it's a kind of you might talk to someone as the- as the- as the chief of police or he co- could also say he's the what of the police? The- 040: Commander? interviewer: Yeah well it's something like- last thing you have to do is throw that- Or the man who runs the ship is the what? Say he's an old sea- 040: Captain. interviewer: Yeah. Now. Alright now is that used- is that word captain used in any other ways that you can think of? 040: Uh. Someone who's rather uh bossy in a sense might be referred to as the captain. interviewer: Okay. But was it- is it ever used for instance uh um by uh by negros uh to- to whites? 040: #1 No not that I know of. # interviewer: #2 {X} # That's used a lot in the South. You know further South. Deep South. 040: Now my grandfather was referred to as cap. interviewer: Uh-huh. 040: Cap Star. But that was because of his relationship on the railroad. interviewer: I see. So is it- 040: But the colored men did call him that. interviewer: Yeah. Uh-huh but that an- as kind of a- a- a reflection an indication of- 040: Yes. interviewer: of authority of something I see. A man who presides over a court is a- 040: Judge. interviewer: Yeah. And a- and a person going to school is a- 040: Pupil. interviewer: Yep. Now how bout- 040: A student. interviewer: Alright. Now what's the difference between a pupil and a student? 040: Well to me they're the same. interviewer: Uh. Would you call a person a college pupil? 040: Well. I'd- I'd- I'd more say that he's a college student I guess. interviewer: If you could have said elementary school student too. 040: Yes. interviewer: A women who takes dictation is a- 040: Stenographer. interviewer: Alright. And in this town in- in some towns we have select men that- in Alder and so forth but in this town they have- Members of- 040: #1 We have commissioners. # interviewer: #2 {X} # And then around the city- now do all three of those commissioners have equal right and then- 040: #1 Yes. # interviewer: #2 they # And yet they're not quite commissioners of water or something like that- 040: Well they each designate a separate department of the city. interviewer: When they run is that- they run? 040: After they're elected. interviewer: I see. That'd mean the three of them are equal- elected equally. 040: Yes. interviewer: I see. 040: Five. interviewer: Oh five. I see okay just three up for election now is that what- 040: No there's uh one mayor and five commissioners. interviewer: Well I thought there was three okay well that's good I think I got it- got it straight I mis- misheard that. A woman on the stage- a male would be called an actor a women is called a- 040: Actress. interviewer: And if there's someone asks you about your nationality you'd say why I'm- 040: I'm American. interviewer: Sure. And a person is black uh black race is- 040: A negro. interviewer: Now any what kinds of derogatory or jocular terms are common? Not necessarily words that you use yourself but- 040: Well they- sometime referred to as uh round here jiggaboos. interviewer: Sure. 040: And um well colored people. interviewer: Yeah what's the- the most- the most common name- the most common names- 040: Most common used here? Either negro or colored. interviewer: Alright. And the most common uncomplimentary term- 040: Oh I don't know they- interviewer: Not negro but- 040: Nigger. interviewer: Yeah. Now how- what percentage would you guess of the population of uh- of Sweetwater is- is black? 040: Is black? interviewer: Yeah. 040: I'd say less than twenty percent. {NS} interviewer: More than fifteen though you'd say fifteen? 040: I'd say between fifteen and twenty. interviewer: Between fifteen or twenty percent. Well that's quite high isn't it for- for eastern Tennessee or is that about is that typically or say in Athens and other- 040: I'd say we're just most typical. interviewer: I see. 040: Uh in- that book that you have will tell you. interviewer: Yeah well I- 040: But I've- I've- interviewer: That is really terrific I want to thank you again for that- I really um appreciate that that's really got a lot of good information. How bout the- the uh uh term used for- for uh uh for whites or uh {NS} or uh if they're down in their luck or- or just simply don't work any special name for people like that? 040: Are you referring to white trash? interviewer: Okay and that'd be- that'll be fine. How bout a term for someone kind of- a neutral or derogatory or jocular term for someone who lives out in the country and really never gets in- in- isn't really in touch with uh with the people in town. 040: Well we might refer to him as a backwoodsman. interviewer: Okay. Are you familiar with the term hoosier at all? 040: No. interviewer: Mountain hoosier? 040: No. interviewer: Well see mr Henry say it that's an old {X} Term hoosier now you probably think of someone from Indiana right? 040: I would. interviewer: Yeah but now because it- it uh He come up in the South but I wonder if he {X} Anybody's- 040: Oh. interviewer: Uh. It's not- you don't know exactly what time- well say what time uh- uh say right now maybe to be exact about the time you'd say why it's- it's- it's uh what three fifteen it's- 040: It's exactly. interviewer: Well it's not- think about it say there's about- 040: About. interviewer: Okay. You'd say about at more than um would you say almost or pretty near or nearly? Which- 040: Almost I'd #1 say. # interviewer: #2 Alright. # If you were running along and you and there's some ice on the ground and you lost- you slipped you'd say I what fell down I- 040: I almost. interviewer: Alright. If someone's rushing you you say just take it easy just I'll be with you in- just- 040: Just a minute interviewer: #1 Okay # 040: #2 I guess. # interviewer: That's exactly. And someone might come in here and ask the distance to Athens would come in here and say how- 040: Far. interviewer: Alright. How'd you use the expression look here? 040: Uh if you're wanting to get their attention. interviewer: Alright. Now the number of t- uh if you want someone to know the number of times you go to a- a- to Knoxville each year someone might say how- 040: How many times? interviewer: Or how? 040: How often. interviewer: That's exactly right. Uh. I tell you something I'm not going to do that and you say am I- If you're not going to do it- 040: I'm not either. interviewer: That's it. Right. And this is my? 040: {X} interviewer: Alright and this is- 040: Hair. interviewer: And if I didn't shave I might grow a- 040: Beard. interviewer: And this is my- 040: Ear. interviewer: Which one the- the- 040: The left ear. interviewer: {X} And this a- 040: Right ear. interviewer: And this is my- 040: Mouth. interviewer: And this is my- 040: Neck. interviewer: Alright and the part that food goes down is your- Something caught in your- {NS} 040: Well we say adam's apple here #1 {X} # interviewer: #2 Okay. # Alright yeah. Alright so a person has a sore- 040: Well they have a crawl. interviewer: Yeah. 040: I guess- interviewer: Or a sore- perso- child has to stay home from school 040: Sore throat? interviewer: Yeah. Do you know the word glizzle? 040: Yes. interviewer: For- for the same thing as crawdad would you ever use that term is that- 040: Uh. Jokingly I might. interviewer: Use what? 040: {X} interviewer: Okay. Aux: Hello. How's everybody today? 040: Alright how are you? Aux: Sleepy. {X} interviewer: And this is one? 040: Tooth? interviewer: And two? 040: Teeth. interviewer: And above the teeth are? 040: Gums. interviewer: And this is the what of my hand? 040: Palm. interviewer: And thi- I make a- 040: Fist. interviewer: Two? 040: Fists. interviewer: And you might talk about this as the elbow and wrist you might I have pains in the- 040: Joints. interviewer: Okay and this is my- 040: Chest. interviewer: And these are my- 040: Shoulders. interviewer: This is one- 040: Hand. interviewer: Two? 040: Hands. interviewer: And this is my- 040: Leg. interviewer: And at the bottom of the leg is the- 040: Foot. interviewer: You have two- 040: Feet. interviewer: Um and if you kick right here it's- 040: The shin. interviewer: Alright. And a- and a person gets down like they- they sit- sitting in the back part of a leg out in the field for instance checking crouching he's down on- 040: He's stooping? interviewer: Okay. Would you use- ever use the word haunches or honkers? 040: #1 Yeah he's- # interviewer: #2 Honkers? # 040: Uh-huh. interviewer: Which one? 040: He's down on his- I never did use it. interviewer: That's good. 040: I bet it's the- they use their haunches. Sit down on their haunches. interviewer: Okay. Uh if a person looks very white and uh uh {NS} kind of sickly you might the person looks awfully 040: Pale. interviewer: Alright you might say pale. Anything else you might use? {NS} Would you ever use something like peaked or puny? Or uh- 040: Well sometimes- interviewer: {X} 040: A lot of times they'll use the word peaked. interviewer: Uh-huh. And if a person can lift a great weight you'd say he's really- 040: Strong. interviewer: And what um- What does the word stout mean? 040: Well stout can mean the same as strong but more I think of a stout person as one that's heavy built. interviewer: Okay. And a person very easy to get along with you say he's a very what kind of person very- 040: I'd say he was congenial. interviewer: Okay. Um and if a- teenager's always falling over everything you'd say he's awfully- 040: Clumsy. interviewer: Alright. And something might be said about a person who just seems to do everything wrong you might saw oh that- Do you want to put in after that you'd say oh that {NS} 040: Well I don't know I- interviewer: Just well it could- I mean it could be anything like doughhead, dunkerhead, fool or uh fool head {D: whatever have you} 040: Well we call {NW} sometimes we refer to them a- in our household as knucklehead. interviewer: Okay {NW} Alright. A person who is uh- who doesn't uh uh uh is pretty hard to separate from his money you'd say he's a- 040: He's stingy. interviewer: Alright. And- and one who uh- what about- how about someone who gets the most out of other people? Don't you have a- {NS} 040: Um I'm trying to think of the word that we call 'em um. He's cheap or uh interviewer: #1 Did you ever use the word tight? # 040: #2 I don't know. # Well that- that refers to the same thing as stingy interviewer: Okay. 040: most of the time. interviewer: Alright. 040: Top bark on the tree. interviewer: Okay. Now what about- how bout the word common is common ever used in a complementary sense? Talking about- talking about people being common? What would that mean to you? 040: Uh well a common person would be not uncomplimentary nor complimentary it means he's just uh an ordinary- interviewer: Ordinary. Like you- do you ever use the sense common to mean an uncomplimentary sense? 040: No I wouldn't. interviewer: Okay. Um and if a- if someone like mr {B} and uh really uh gets around a lot you'd say he's really- for his age He's really- 040: Uh- I'd say active. interviewer: Okay. And if something makes you a little nervous you'd say I feel a little what about that. 040: Jittery. interviewer: Alright a little- 040: {D: Juberous.} interviewer: Um {X} Let's see uncomfortable another word might be- Uneasy? Yeah. And a little child wants a light in the night because he's what of the dark? 040: He's afraid. interviewer: Alright. And you say- he might say oh well why you- you didn't- um be afraid of the dark. 040: You need not. interviewer: Yeah well its- you're- you're telling him that uh uh- See I didn't know you were afraid of the dark I knew- I knew you what to be afraid of the dark? 040: You shouldn't? interviewer: #1 No use- # 040: #2 Or you- # Used to be not- interviewer: Yeah. You used to be afraid of the dark and then- and then that's right and the other would be- Not so you'd say 040: Uh. You didn't used to be afraid. interviewer: #1 Okay. # 040: #2 Something like that. # interviewer: And if a person doesn't- doesn't watch out what he's doing you say he's an awful what kind of a- let's say a driver he's a- 040: Terrorist. interviewer: Alright. And if something's very strange you might that's awfully- 040: Odd. interviewer: Alright another word similar to that. Starts with a Q 040: Queer? interviewer: Yeah. Now does that have any special connotation? 040: Well odd- it would mean odd or uh Just not right. interviewer: Okay. Um. If someone doesn't- is- is difficult to get along with um refuses to change his mind you might say to that person don't be so- 040: Stubborn. interviewer: Okay. And a person is easily offended you might say he's awfully- Say the least little thing and he gets very angry let's say. {NS} He's awfully- 040: Touchy or- interviewer: Great. That's- that's great. And a person who is touchy he gets awfully what? He's- 040: He gets mad. interviewer: So you might say to him just keep- 040: Calm. interviewer: Say the whole thing. 040: Just keep calm. interviewer: Alright. 040: Now ya- now that- The older people would say cam. interviewer: Uh-huh. 040: My father might say cam. interviewer: Cam? Well that's good right? 040: To cam. interviewer: A- a person who um you say oh hey say I worked all day I'm really- 040: Tired. interviewer: And if you're just- if you just scarcely move you say I'm 040: Pooped. interviewer: Okay. Uh. You say I'm all- 040: Well I don't wanna- you might say I'm all done in. interviewer: Alright that's one. Okay that's fine I was thinking about something with wear- To wear. You know- 040: Worn out? interviewer: Yeah. And someone else might say well he's worked all day and he's had supper and now look at him he's- 040: Ready to go. interviewer: Okay. Um would you ever use raring in that sense? 040: Raring to go yes. interviewer: Alright. And do you ever refer- talking about a very good time you had uh or someone had they speak of a very good time they have at a party they said they had what kind of a good time? 040: Uh. A heck of a time? interviewer: Okay you ever use the expression torn down in that sense? A torn down good time is that at all familiar to you? 040: No. interviewer: Okay. {X} Um. And a- and a- a little girl uh daughter- daughter had to come home from school because she what at school? She- 040: She got sick? interviewer: Alright. And uh say she's sick now but she'll be well again- 040: Soon. interviewer: Okay. Do you ever use by and by in that sense would you use that? 040: Not very often. interviewer: Alright. And a boy is {NW} going like this you say he has a- 040: Cough. interviewer: And he went out and didn't have enough clothes he um what cold? He- 040: He caught. interviewer: Alright and he's talking like this you'd say he's- 040: Hoarse. interviewer: Alright. And a- a person sitting in a chair and his eyes keep opening and closing you'd say he's very- 040: Sleepy. interviewer: Alright. And to wake so- you want someone's life back and you shake him and you say- 040: Wake up. interviewer: Alright and- and so say that the person- 040: Wakes up? interviewer: Alright. A child's sick and you- you go over there and give him some medicine then you might say haven't you what your medicine yet? 040: Taken. interviewer: And he says yes I yesterday I- 040: I took. interviewer: And I will- tomorrow I will- 040: Will take. interviewer: Alright and a person can't hear he's- 040: Deaf. interviewer: Yeah and a person works out in uh in the hot sun all day and he begins to- 040: Sunburn. interviewer: Yeah but he- 040: Blister. interviewer: Water pours- 040: Oh sweat. interviewer: Alright. And a- a discharging sore a large discharging sore would be called a- 040: Well we'd use I say I guess a running sore. interviewer: Alright. Uh you ever use the term either the term boil or rising or raising? 040: Uh boils are- interviewer: Alright and what do you call that uh substance inside a boil? 040: Pus. interviewer: Alright. And my hand I- my hand's infected and it's all- 040: Swollen. interviewer: Um. Uh. As soon as I- see as soon as I got the infection my hand- 040: Swelled? interviewer: Yesterday it really- 040: Was swollen? interviewer: Well think the was not you say yesterday it really- 040: Swelled? interviewer: Okay. And um what is buck fever do you use that word at all? 040: No interviewer: #1 Buck fever? # 040: #2 I haven't. # interviewer: Uh uh what do you call the- the substance in a blister you said it was pus in a um uh pus in a uh in a boil. What about in- just in a blister? 040: I'd call it water. interviewer: Okay. And A person is uh um uh suffers a gunshot- 040: Wound. interviewer: A if it- and if a wound doesn't heal right and they have to cut some of that skin away do you know what they call that? {NS} 040: Lancing is that what you want? interviewer: Well I was thinking do you know the word proud flesh? 040: I've heard it yes. interviewer: You've never used it though? 040: I- I don't. But I have heard the older people talk about it. interviewer: About what? 040: Proud sore. interviewer: Okay. 040: #1 {NW} proud flesh. # interviewer: #2 {X} # Uh something they u- they don't use it as much any more it's kind of a- uh something you put on a burn used to burn a lot something they put on cuts. 040: Alcohol? interviewer: Yeah something that- this was kind of a bluish purplish- 040: Uh. interviewer: Brownish? I'm not sure the exact color. 040: Iodine? interviewer: Yeah. And something you take for malaria? {NW} 040: Fever? interviewer: Yeah something you take for it though. 040: Oh uh Quinine? Quinine? interviewer: Right. And a- a um A person uh uh say uh he was- he was alive uh uh yesterday but he what this morning? 040: He died? interviewer: Yeah. Aux: {X} interviewer: Um and say them uh any- any uh um Veil terms for this instead of died something you might see in the paper? Well if I was to use the word uh 040: Tired? Or #1 expired? # interviewer: #2 Okay # expired you use that uh {X} {NS} 040: Yes. interviewer: {X} 040: Uh huh yes or it's tired. {NS} interviewer: Um. Anything else that you'd say the person- Might say makes fire here but what would um- So you might say to the uh- Oh something you might say to the 040: #1 passed away? # interviewer: #2 {NS} # Yeah that'd be nice. {NS} Alright. And um say um I don't know what someone is- is they- they don't know the cause of death say I don't know what he died- 040: Of. interviewer: Alright. And a place where a person is buried is a? 040: Cemetery. interviewer: Alright. And a- and the uh- uh box the body's placed in is called a- 040: Casket. interviewer: And the ceremony after death is called a- 040: Funeral. interviewer: And you might say the family is in- 040: Bereavement. interviewer: Yeah another word though. {NS} Sounds something like the early part of the day. 040: Mourning? interviewer: Yeah. Um and would- did that sound the same to you as the part of the day or the same kind of like- 040: It sound's like it's- interviewer: Exactly the same 040: Mourning. Morning. This morning. I think it sounds pretty much like it. interviewer: Okay. And someone says how are you feeling? you don't feel bad you say I feel- 040: Fine. interviewer: Okay. And someone's uh troubled about something you might tell them don't- 040: Don't worry. interviewer: Alright. And a person- an older person- doesn't have to be older person- any person might have weather changes and gets pains in the joints say the person has- 040: Arthritis. interviewer: Uh-huh. Um. {NS} Uh. If a- this is a disease you don't hear much of it any more but a long time ago twenty thirty years ago lot of children died from this and- and effects of this. 040: Pneumonia? interviewer: No it starts with a D. 040: Diphtheria? interviewer: Yeah. And a disease that causes the yellow the uh- uh maybe of the skin a circling of the whites of the eyes. Sometimes called yellow- 040: Jaundice. interviewer: Okay. And you get a pain down the side you might have an operation or {D: you might have an attack of} 040: Appendicitis. interviewer: Right. Person can't keep food down might have to- 040: Vomit. interviewer: Alright. Now are there any crude terms for this? 040: Throw up. Or um interviewer: Alright. And throw up is a- is crude- is- is crude. 040: Crude for vomit. interviewer: For vomit. Um and wh- a person- when a person is that way you might say he is sick- {NS} 040: Sick to his stomach. interviewer: Right. And um catch some news and say he came over what me the news? He came over- 040: To tell me? interviewer: Yeah. And someone says would you- wanna borrow this you'd say well I'd like to borrow but I'd really like to- 040: Have it. interviewer: Yeah okay. Or keep. 040: #1 To keep it. # interviewer: #2 Yeah. # Okay. and then you'll take it- If um some- you expect something to happen it doesn't it- you- you're afraid it might not happen you say if that doesn't happen I what be disappointed I- 040: Will be? interviewer: Uh-huh. And if someone comes over you say we- like to see you again in the future we- 040: #1 {X} # interviewer: #2 Well # you're talking about the future you'd say um I'm glad you came uh to visit us and we glad to see you again. 040: Would like to? interviewer: Alright. Yeah but. Not say would but will- um 040: We will see you again? interviewer: Yeah. Um. Would you say I- will you- will be glad to see you again or we shall be glad to see you again? which sounds more- 040: I'd say we will. interviewer: Okay. And if a child's bad you say now if you don't behave yourself I'll spank you you might say I'm going to what and spank you? {NS} Would you ever put anything in- in between? Take and spank you or- 040: A lot of them will. interviewer: Did you- 040: My husband did that. interviewer: You would just say- 040: I wouldn't- interviewer: He would just say what? uh 040: Uh I'm a take and do so and so. interviewer: Okay you'd simply say I'm going to- 040: I'm going to do it. interviewer: I'm going to spank you. Um a young man is going out the door say he is doing what he is- for the America he is- 040: Leaving? interviewer: No. If uh um they're dating you see and there are other words for that for dating you could use that that'd be okay too. 040: They're going together? interviewer: Okay. And uh he is her- 040: Her fiance is that- interviewer: Well before that he just- 040: Just a boyfriend. interviewer: Alright And any- any jocular terms for that? For this term? {NS} 040: Her fellow. interviewer: Alright and she is his- 040: Girl. interviewer: Alright and they're in a uh on a date they uh uh when any t- uh terms for kissing any- any uh um- 040: Well we use the word smooching here. interviewer: Smooching slang for yeah okay. And if um um. He had to propose to her and then she decides she doesn't want to marry him you might say she did what she- 040: Reneged? interviewer: #1 Okay # 040: #2 Or uh # backed out. interviewer: Alright. And but she didn't they- they went ahead and got- 040: Married? interviewer: And the man at the wedding who stands up with the groom is the- 040: Best man. interviewer: And the- with the bride is the- 040: Maid of honor or maiden. interviewer: Yeah or bride's- 040: Maid. interviewer: Bride's maid. Uh. Do you- what about- do you ever- ever have a- a kind of noisy serenade after a wedding? Uh kind of a- um 040: Um. interviewer: Or just the celebration after the ce- after a uh wedding's been {X} {NS} 040: The reception is that interviewer: #1 Yeah- # 040: #2 what you're- # interviewer: Well the- the old- old term I don't know if it has any {D: presence} around here is the word chivalry. 040: #1 No we don't use that- its {D: now} # interviewer: #2 Chivalry- alright. # Um. 040: We were playing bingo the other night nobody knew what it was. interviewer: Is that right? 040: So. interviewer: If uh- uh you're talking about someone uh if you're talking about yourself- being in Knoxville you might say I was- 040: Was in Knoxville. interviewer: But if you're going to talk about it in terms of direction you might say I was- Think. Uh just yesterday I was- 040: Going? Or went? interviewer: Alright I went what to Knoxville you might say I went to Knoxville or you might say I went- {NW} 040: I went up to Knoxville. interviewer: #1 Yeah # 040: #2 Is that- # interviewer: I- I went up to Knoxville would you ever say I was up to Knoxville yesterday or I was up in Knoxville yesterday? 040: I was up in Knoxville yesterday- interviewer: Or how bout uh uh How bout down wh- does up mean north or does it mean that {X} 040: It means north. interviewer: And how bout if you say Chattanooga you'd say- 040: You'd go down. interviewer: Alright. And talk about someone living nearby um say {B} house say well he lives- 040: Over there. interviewer: Uh-huh. And talking about all the people at a dance you might say there was a- uh- uh this is a- a kind of depreciative term. You might say the whole what was there the whole- 040: The whole gang? interviewer: Alright. And the m- music plays you get out on the floor and- 040: And dance? interviewer: Alright. Would you have any special name for a kind of big formal dance uh kind of a- 040: A ball. interviewer: Alright. And at four o'clock in the afternoon or three o'clock or three fifteen school 040: Is out? interviewer: Alright. And uh in the Fall they might ask- someone might call up and ask when does school- 040: Start or begin. interviewer: Okay. And a boy doesn't attend one class you might say- you might say he did what class he- 040: Um played hooky. interviewer: Alright. Now that'll be for one- just one class or is that for the whole day? 040: Well it's more referred to for one day. interviewer: Alright. 040: He'd skip class. interviewer: Alright. And when he does that {X} He's- he's uh depriving himself of a good- 040: Grade. interviewer: And? 040: Or mark. interviewer: Yeah but in all {X} The board of- 040: Education. interviewer: Yeah. And a person goes on from high school might go on to- 040: College. interviewer: And when a person gets out of kindergarten he might go into- 040: Grade school. interviewer: Yeah what's the- the- 040: Elementary? interviewer: And what do you call that uh first year? 040: Grammar? interviewer: #1 Third year is grammar school. # 040: #2 No first- # First grade. interviewer: Okay. And this is a what? {NW} 040: A desk. interviewer: And two of them would be two- 040: Desks. interviewer: Alright. And the place where you get books is a- 040: Bookstore. interviewer: Yeah well you got any partic- 040: Library. interviewer: Alright and a place where you mail a letter? 040: The post office. interviewer: A place you might stay overnight in a strange town? 040: Be a motel? Or a hotel. interviewer: Uh or a what? 040: A hotel. interviewer: Right. And a place you might see a- a- a movie. 040: Theater. interviewer: Alright and a place you might go for an operation. 040: Hospital. interviewer: And in the hospital there are doctor- there's a doctor and a- 040: Nurse. interviewer: And a place you would get on a train is a- 040: Depot. interviewer: And in a town- I don't know if you have one of these in uh- in Sweetwater but its kind of a- Sometimes they have a- where they have a- a uh- some um uh uh a lawn in the middle of the the town you know? 040: Little park? interviewer: Yeah. Okay you don't have any kind of a- of a- of a village greenery do you? 040: No. interviewer: Um how bout when you're walking across an intersection not straight across but you walk over- 040: Jay walk. interviewer: Okay. Yeah that would be- that'd be the- the legal term but I wanted exactly- you ever term such as uh- If you're talking about the direction- something not being- 040: Catty cornered. interviewer: That's it that's it. And they- they don't have these anymore but they used to have- now they have these little buses in cities where one time they had a lot of- 040: Uh streetcars? interviewer: Sure. And if you're on a streetcar or a bus you might tell the driver I want at the next corner I want- 040: Off. interviewer: Alright. And in relation to um um uh to this um this county Madisonville is the- 040: County seat. interviewer: Alright. And that is the- and that is the- the- the seat of the county- 040: Offices #1 or- # interviewer: #2 Yeah. # Or- or what's the- he- he works- you might say he works for the post office 040: #1 Courthouse. # interviewer: #2 he works for the # federal- 040: Government? interviewer: Yeah. And the police department is- is uh kept to maintain- 040: Law and order. interviewer: Right. And in eighteen- that war in eighteen s- Between eighteen sixty-one and eighteen sixty-five was the- Well the war you know the Union and Confederacy. 040: Oh the Civil War. interviewer: Alright. Yeah I don't wanna snake you up here on 040: {NW} interviewer: exact days. Um they uh uh th- when a person is executed by- uh with a rope you know you'd say the murderer was- 040: Was hung. interviewer: Alright. And uh if a person um uh He- and- so you might say well a person who committed suicide you might say he what himself? He 040: Killed himself? interviewer: Yeah but with a rope- with this word hang. You'd say he- Would you say he hung himself or he- 040: Well we- we would say he hung himself. interviewer: #1 Alright. # 040: #2 That would # be hanged. interviewer: Okay. 040: {X} interviewer: New York City's- we'll get some geography. New- New York- New York City is where? This is strictly for pronunciation base by the way it's not a- 040: In New York is that what you- interviewer: Yeah you'd call it New York- 040: New York. interviewer: Yeah. 040: State. interviewer: Alright and Baltimore is in- 040: Maryland. interviewer: And Richmond? 040: Virginia. interviewer: And uh Asheville? 040: North Carolina. interviewer: And Greensville? 040: South Carolina. interviewer: And Atlanta? 040: Georgia. interviewer: Tampa? 040: Florida. interviewer: Uh Birmingham? 040: Alabama. interviewer: New Orleans. 040: Louisiana. interviewer: Uh Louisville? 040: Kentucky. interviewer: Right now you're in- 040: Tennessee. interviewer: And St. Louis? 040: Missouri. interviewer: Little Rock? 040: Arkansas. interviewer: Um Jackson? 040: Mississippi. interviewer: And- and Dallas? 040: Texas. interviewer: And Stillwater? Or- or I can't- I just- I was trying to think of one that- Tulsa. 040: Oklahoma. interviewer: Okay. Uh and the big- biggest city in Maryland is? 040: Baltimore? interviewer: Right and the- and the seat of the federal government is 040: Washington. interviewer: #1 {X} # 040: #2 D.C. # Washington DC. interviewer: Alright and the big city in Missouri is- 040: St. Louis? interviewer: And the- the port in South Carolina. An old city- 040: Charleston? interviewer: Yeah. And the steel They- they worked in uh iron works and so forth in uh in Alabama? {X}. 040: Uh Birmingham. interviewer: Right and the big city in Illinois? 040: Chicago. interviewer: And the city in the- just the capital of Alabama is- It was once the capital of the Confederacy it's a- it's a- the state capital. 040: Um Anniston? interviewer: #1 No it's- # 040: #2 No. # interviewer: No it's south of there. Dinah Shore's husband- ex-husband had that- that 040: #1 No. # interviewer: #2 was his last name. # And also the girl in Bewitched her name was- What's her last name? 040: I don't know. interviewer: #1 Alright. # 040: #2 {NW} # interviewer: Mont- 040: Montgomery? interviewer: Yeah. And the- and the- the port in Alabama the old city down there {X} Got it all to Mexico. {NS} 040: I don't know. interviewer: Well there's a- there's a mobile oil company that the city's called- 040: Mobile Alabama? interviewer: Yeah. And the city in North Carolina in the mountains? 040: Asheville? interviewer: Yeah and the city in- in uh University of Tennessee's up at- 040: Knoxville. interviewer: And the city way over on the Mississippi River in Tennessee is- 040: Memphis? interviewer: Yeah and right. The capital of- of Tennessee. 040: Is Nashville. interviewer: And the big city in- the biggest city in uh Georgia? 040: Atlanta? interviewer: And the- this city's something like Charleston but on the- on the coast there. 040: Charlotte? interviewer: In- in uh Georgia. {NS} Old city. 040: Savannah? interviewer: Yeah. And the- the city in Georgia where Fort Benning is {X} 040: Uh {X} {NS} interviewer: Starts with a C. {NS} 040: I don't know- interviewer: The city in Ohio has the same name. Co- Starts with COL. 040: It's not Calhoun is it? interviewer: No that's- no that's not- uh COL uh UM. 040: Columbus? interviewer: Yeah yeah. What was that say it again? That's right. 040: Columbus. interviewer: Yeah and then there's another city in- in- in Georgia that starts with an M. Forever this darn city. 040: Macon. interviewer: Yeah. And the biggest city in- in Louisiana? 040: New Orleans? interviewer: Alright and then the- the- the cappest- the capital of uh Louisiana is? {X} 040: Uh. interviewer: Baton- 040: Baton Rouge? interviewer: Yeah. And the city in- in Ohio down on the river. The baseball team {X} 040: Well- interviewer: Not Cleveland but Cin- 040: Cincinnati. interviewer: Sure. And the- and the uh big city in Kentucky big city in Kentucky is- 040: Louisville? interviewer: Right. And if you're talking about the distance from here to here from- from one place to another you might might talk a little about- or say- might ask you how far is it from here to Athens you could say oh its 040: Fifteen miles? interviewer: Um say that word? 040: Fifteen miles. interviewer: Alright. And if you're not sure you want to do something you might say I don't know I want to do that or not. I don't know whether I want to or #1 Alright. # 040: #2 not. # interviewer: And someone had been sick for a long long time time you'd say why it seemed like- 040: Forever? interviewer: Yeah. Or it seems like- someone who's sick and say it seems like- It's- well how do I get it- Would you say it seems like you'll never pull through or it seems as if you'll never pull through? 040: We'd probably say seems like he'll heal. interviewer: And if you refuse to go someplace by- unless the other person goes also you might say I won't go what? 040: Unless. interviewer: Unless he goes too. And say he had a chan- a choice of doing two things but he did that- 040: Rather than this. interviewer: Alright. Helping me. Say he- You could have done this but you did that. 040: Instead of? interviewer: Sure. Um. You say- I say why do you like him you say he's so funny is the answer, I like him 040: Because. interviewer: Alright. Um and if you refuse to go by yourself say I uh uh I won't uh uh uh- 040: Will by myself? interviewer: Alright. 040: {X} interviewer: And the um um uh what's the largest denomination of church in the South? {NS} 040: Southern Baptist. interviewer: Okay. And a person comes into town and comes uh- says- says- decides he- One Sunday he and his family went down and did what they- 040: Joined. interviewer: The what? 040: The Baptist. interviewer: #1 {X} # 040: #2 Church or # interviewer: Alright. And the name of the supreme being is- 040: God. interviewer: Yeah. And in an oath a person might say my 040: God. interviewer: Yeah and the minister preached a- 040: Sermon. interviewer: And the organ played- 040: Music. interviewer: Alright. And then there's a song oh what a what kind of morning? Oh what a- 040: Wonderful? interviewer: Alright what's another word like wonderful this is sort of a- this isn't a church song being used uh Just the- the song from Oklahoma oh what a- 040: Beautiful? interviewer: Yeah. And uh what'd you um. What is a- a ballad? A ballad. 040: {NS} B-A-L-L-E-T? interviewer: No B-A-L-L-A-D. 040: #1 Oh # interviewer: #2 {NS} # 040: #1 Uh it's a song. # interviewer: #2 {NS} # #1 Okay. # 040: #2 Or- # interviewer: You ever use that for a hymn? 040: No. Not now we don't. interviewer: And- you haven't answered the phone? 040: No that's the fire- interviewer: If- if the um um car broke down on your way to church you'd say church will be over if this thing fixed. 040: Church will be over before I get there? interviewer: Yeah okay or by the time or before. Um And the name for the- the uh {D: prophinder} of Hell is- 040: The beggar? interviewer: Alright. And a pers- and something- Wrecked old house in town which people are- are afraid- the kids are afraid to go in they say what's supposed to be in that house? 040: Uh. Spooks or- interviewer: Okay. Or what? 040: Or haunted house? interviewer: Alright. And you'd say I'll go if you insist {NS} but I'd really what not I'd really- 040: Rather not. interviewer: Okay. {NS} Um if um Jack- you don't wear a sweater today because it's what cold it's- 040: It's cool? interviewer: Alright if you just say it's kinda cold or forever cold or- 040: It's kinda cold. interviewer: Alright. And if um a person uh uh uh you're very happy to see a person and you haven't seen 'em for long and you say well I'm- 040: Glad. interviewer: Alright. But uh wh- wh- wh- especially glad say I'm- {NS} 040: I'm so glad? interviewer: Okay. And a person owns- here- here we talk about this word from last night but- The person owning- Talk about land he- doesn't own just a few acres say he owns a what of land? 040: A farm? interviewer: Alright it's a very large farm so you might say he owns a- {NS} 040: A ranch? interviewer: #1 Yeah # 040: #2 {X} # interviewer: No what I'm talking about- you might say if it has a field and a lot of land it would {D: be a ranch}. 040: Oh yeah a lot of land but- interviewer: Did you ever use the term right smart there? 040: No right smart doesn't mean that much. {NW} interviewer: Okay. Right smart isn't- it's just uh- Okay now that's interesting what is- what- 040: Right smart is less than a lot to me. interviewer: Okay good now that's interesting you mean it's- it's- it's a- it's a considerable amount but it isn't a- {NS} really a whole lot. 040: {D: No sir.) interviewer: {X} {NS} Can I said- you- you uh uh if something uh isn't greatly different from something else you'd say it's not the same it's really a- different It's a- 040: It's greatly different interviewer: No this 040: #1 {X} # interviewer: #2 say it's just a- # 040: Similar. interviewer: Yeah it's just a few little- 040: It's slight. Slight difference. interviewer: Okay. And someone says uh will you be able to do this and you say yes I- 040: I sure will. interviewer: Alright. And um um if something isn't you'd say um talking about recipe you'd say don't put on much {X} 040: Uh. A little bit or uh- If you're talking about a salt you use a pinch of salt. interviewer: Okay. Now if you're talking about someone dreading a place you know you'd say he what- you got to put a word in between. 040: He really dreads it. interviewer: Okay. And if you're talking about it's to be cold weather you'd say it's- today it's cold it's- 040: It's terribly cold. interviewer: Uh-huh. 040: Or awfully cold. interviewer: Alright. Um would you ever use real or really there? 040: It's really cold- interviewer: And how bout good if something- say that's- 040: That's real good. interviewer: Okay. And do you ever use the expression real to meaning something like oh talk about hunting dogs you know and someone might say look at that those are real dog- 040: Real dogs uh-huh. interviewer: Okay. Um. And then uh uh under what- would you ever use the expression uh the idea? Why the idea? 040: Yes. The very idea of that. interviewer: Okay. And how would you um- {D: Did you- with your son-} With a close friend how much you- you uh you you say hello to a close- you might hello or hi or uh what else might you say? 040: #1 Uh. # interviewer: #2 How- # Starting out with something that starts out with how- 040: Oh howdy? interviewer: Yeah or how are- 040: How are ya? interviewer: Alright. And how bout with strangers when someone introduces you to someone you might shake hands and then say how- 040: How do you do? interviewer: Right. And if someone is uh you- you want someone to- to return you might say come- 040: Come back. interviewer: Or come- alright or- 040: Come again. interviewer: Yeah well I wanted both of those and on December twenty-five the usual greeting is? 040: Merry Christmas. interviewer: And then January first? 040: Happy new year. interviewer: Do you know the term Christmas gift? In relation to Christmas as a greeting? {NS} 040: Uh yes a lot of times when we go visit somebody around Christmas and it's uh an unex- interviewer: #1 Yeah. # 040: #2 -pected gift # interviewer: #1 Uh-huh. # 040: #2 Uh. # visit we'll say Christmas gift. interviewer: Okay. And if someone does you a favor you might say that they are on much- 040: Obliged. interviewer: Alright. And I say we have time to do it but you're not certain but you say well I- 040: I think so. interviewer: Alright. And you um you're gonna buy- you go buy food you go down to- to what down to the- 040: To the store. interviewer: What kind of store? To buy food? 040: Uh. interviewer: Not necessarily- 040: A grocery store. interviewer: Sure. And you say uh tomorrow I'm not going to go to work I'm going to go downtown I have to do some- 040: Shopping. interviewer: And you buy something at the store- you bought something at the store and the- and the- the clerk uh- 040: Wraps it. interviewer: Okay. Yesterday he- 040: He wrapped it. interviewer: And you took it home there and you- 040: Unwrapped it. interviewer: And you bought something- you got a real bargain on it because he had to sell it at a- 040: At a loss? interviewer: Sure. And say I was worried about him {NS} after what he went through? 040: The cost. interviewer: Alright. Uh. {NS} Um. If um on the first of the month the bill is- 040: It's due? interviewer: Yeah and you belong to a club you have to pay your- 040: Dues. interviewer: And if you don't have enough you might have to go to the bank and- 040: Borrow. interviewer: And- uh in the thirties uh now {X} now money is awfully- 040: Scarce? interviewer: Yeah. And uh a little boy gets up on a toy in the water he gets and he- 040: Dives. interviewer: Yeah yesterday he- 040: Dove. interviewer: And then he dives he has- 040: Dived. interviewer: And if he lands flat on his stomach on the water- 040: That's a belly-buster. interviewer: Okay. And uh he jumped in the water and then he all the way across. 040: He swam. interviewer: Okay yesterday he went- he had this- 040: He had swum? interviewer: Yeah. 040: Is that r- I don't know- interviewer: He likes to- 040: Swim. interviewer: Okay. Any other name for a- a bonus or a gift when a purchase is made or a bill is paid something that you- they might give you at the- at the uh- uh they might throw in something extra. {NS} I'da guessed bo- 040: Bonus I guess we- what we would call it. interviewer: And someone went down for the third time you say he was- 040: Drowning? interviewer: Alright. Uh. Yesterday he- 040: He drowned? interviewer: And several children have- 040: Drowned. interviewer: Alright and a baby on all fours is 040: Is crawling. interviewer: Alright. And uh a little boy up a tree he- 040: He climbs. interviewer: Yesterday he- 040: Climbed. interviewer: And many times he has- 040: He has climbed but now a lot of people-