303: {X} She was a {X} {NS} Interviewer: {D: okay um} 303: uh-huh Interviewer: We were talking about you know names for oh describing people 303: uh-huh Interviewer: How about someone who's real easy to get along with? always smiling and- you know never loses their temper 303: ye- well we've got people uh of that kind Interviewer: uh-huh {NS} 303: on both sides {NS} and uh {NS} sometimes th- the darky or the colored man or the red man uh {NS} {NW} forgot what I was- making a reference to What was that you asked me-? Interviewer: People that are real easy to get along with 303: oh yes I see well uh the the the red man is uh is easy an- an- and the white man is easy some of 'em Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: and uh colored man uh the the real black man whenever he is alright he's the best one of all Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: and {X} the darky {X} but they {X} and away but they and in a way {X} alright and they smiling and laugh every time they {D: say yeah} you're a good kind {X} {X} he's uh hard to be he's hard to be {NS} and uh the latter person he's so hard to get along with but a black person Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: because he's he think he's a little better because he's a little brighter and Interviewer: #1 How do you think that? # 303: #2 and the yellow # yellow man he get along with anybody and the the light brown-skinned man he get along with anybody Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: and uh {X} you see what th- the manner and ways they have they don't they don't get mad easy and the- then they're easy to get along with Interviewer: uh-huh Would you use the word like pleasant or- 303: pleasant Interviewer: good-natured or 303: pleasant uh good-natured {D: good-turn} Interviewer: uh-huh {NS} okay uh s- say you have a boy in his teens and he just seems to be all arms and legs you know just comes in and 303: mm-hmm Interviewer: {D: spalled} out on himself and 303: mm-hmm Interviewer: knocks over things and drops things #1 How would you describe him? # 303: #2 Well # He would- it'd be described as drinking or or trumping or drinking Interviewer: Okay but what if he hadn't been drinking? What if it's just because of his age you know his 303: His age? Well then Interviewer: You said he's just 303: just uh moving out into a manhood Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: changed to a manhood cause him to be in the in that {NW} {NW} {X} Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: nothing else they know if you don't drink nothing uh and he was no {X} or nothing Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: why they will that's the negative if uh- {NW} Interviewer: Would you use a- a word like awkward or clumsy or gangly or gawky 303: Huh? Interviewer: awkward or clumsy or- 303: Ah he's awk- ward or he's clumsy and some call it clumsy but he's awkward and clumsy why that's nature part of his nature Interviewer: mm-hmm {NS} Okay and what about a person who just keeps on doing things 303: #1 mm-hmm mm um # Interviewer: #2 that don't # 303: mean things? Interviewer: or things that just start making you {D: spent} 303: well it's a boy at uh things he's doing and don't know how to turn to a a normal way of living a gl- life Interviewer: mm-hmm {NS} Do you use the word fool? 303: uh? Interviewer: Do you use the word fool? 303: {D: go to school?} Interviewer: fool Would you say somebody's a- 303: oh well ye- uh some of 'em would call 'em a fool {NS} nothing but a fool Interviewer: What does that word mean? 303: That means he some of 'em call it {D: room ups- likes a little room upstairs} or either Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: he's {D: needing} uh {D: moment} with it and can get Interviewer: mm-hmm Okay what about a person who has a lot of money but never spends it any money at all just hangs onto his money 303: you mean {D: contains} all his money Interviewer: Just well #1 um # 303: #2 {NW} # {d: a status} Interviewer: yeah 303: well {X} that word w- would be master that I don't know that's he is Interviewer: Would you say- 303: too stingy Interviewer: uh-huh 303: to spend anything and someone say well he just will spend cause it take take nothing with him Interviewer: uh-huh 303: and that's as close as I can get to the answer to that Interviewer: Would you ever say someone's a type? 303: Uh well type of what? he's a type of what uh he's he's uh he's just a keep him from getting mad they call him a sissy Interviewer: They call him a what? 303: Calling him a sissy Interviewer: a sissy 303: uh-huh Interviewer: What does that mean? 303: that- that means that uh he's too close he's he's all for hisself and nobody else Interviewer: mm okay um and suppose we thought about an old person say an old man but he's still real lively and he's strong and active 303: yeah uh Interviewer: gets along real well you'd say that he's very 303: very polite very very friendly Interviewer: uh-huh but he's real active and doesn't show his age would you say that he's pert or peppy or spry #1 something like that # 303: #2 uh ye- ye- yes # expressive he's uh he don't show his age and he's live and uh and uh {D: spirits} and he's uh I can't call that other word I can't pronounce it to go with it Interviewer: okay um suppose you had some your- your children were out later than usual you'd say 303: well Interviewer: well I don't guess there's anything wrong but still I can't help feeling a little 303: little {X} a little uneasy Interviewer: Okay what was that first word you said? little-? 303: a little {D: jibless} Interviewer: {D: jibless}? 303: {D: jibless} Interviewer: What does that mean? 303: that means she's very frightened and uh scared something is {X} Interviewer: uh-huh What was that word now little- 303: {D: jibless} little {D: jibless} {X} Interviewer: hmm okay uh you know that song the old grey mere she ain't what she- 303: what she used to be Interviewer: okay um {NS} and you might say well I don't understand why she's afraid now she- 303: uh she's alright I reckon it'd be no that ain't exactly what {X} it ain't it ain't exactly Interviewer: uh-huh 303: and you got to leave {X} for the long one that uh uh skip it so that I wouldn't know Interviewer: okay um somebody who leaves a lot of money on the table and then goes out and doesn't even bother to lock the door you'd say that- 303: he's careless Interviewer: okay and um How would you describe a person who um say is a- a little different from other people like won't talk to you or something like that 303: well he's a Interviewer: {X} 303: {X} he's a sort of a {D: sit} {D: cotton} person and he don't {X} and he is not friendly like he should be Interviewer: uh-huh 303: some would say that about Interviewer: Would you use the word queer? 303: queer uh he's all queer Interviewer: uh-huh What does that word mean exactly? Has it changed meanings recently? 303: no it just means his uh mind and his {D: future} he's built that way and he he's always uh been that way he's kind of curious kind of person from anybody else Interviewer: uh-huh 303: he likes to be alone mostly by hisself Interviewer: okay um okay um 303: {NW} Interviewer: if a man's real sure of his own ways and won't change you know 303: I see Interviewer: and makes up his own mind and there's no use arguing with him you'll never win an argument with him 303: mm-hmm Interviewer: oh you'd say that he was awfully? 303: well he's uh I know what that is but I I can't speak it {NS} he's awfully {NS} see he's awfully queer Interviewer: uh-huh 303: and {D: nothing} stands {D: higher} person and he- he's a infidel Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: and they would call it some would say he- he's nothing but an old infidel Interviewer: What would that mean? 303: that would mean the person don't believe in Heaven or believe in God and don't believe in hell he believes in I work with 'em he he like to gut me on the inside s- we work together and I liked him he says {D: Stewart} he says there is no hell there is no Heaven well he'd say that every day we working every day together {X} {X} before we go back to work Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: {NW} set a bucket of cool water by taking no innocent drinks sit down and talk and he says did you know Heaven and earth they call it and it was made in six seven days {NS} and says there's nobody {D: know that fool} {D or he's someone that works nights though} say {X} is about teachers say {X} another thing I said I look at it thisaway Said if you have a cat or a dog or a hog to die in a hog pen out there dying {X} what do you do with 'em out here take 'em all and says {D: Brad} and says says says ask for the last {X} and he's got no so I said well hog 'em dogging 'em {D: pursing 'em} here {X} the got a sow and he says they ain't got a bit more sow an- and says I've got a heart says says you got a heart Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: She says that's all they've got said they've got a heart and he says tell 'em he says another thing when you have a thunder storm Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: so he says {D: the hearty} heat and even the cold heat and when it r- runs over it it makes a noise Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: and then the six of of th- of that noise makes lightning and forms overhead and strikes trees sometimes now and strikes people sometimes in a different place Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: it never affects {D: but one person} when {X} no more I said no uh mister {X} uh-uh I says I I've seen trees fell aparts Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: the same same thing he says well I never seen 'em and I said well I've seen and he said well {X} wh- w- w- when we are dead {X} and when I'm dead and when you're dead you go back to mother earth to the dirt and says you've got some says your soul wandering around in there during the day says it but that can't be so says you know this is so you know they're going back to mother earth Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: and they gonna be like to change me and my wife says no y- you and mister {X} worked together up there get out on the porch {D: light} machine after you done get you a cold bucket of water and sit down and then {X} you almost just like him he's nothing but an infidel says the people around here t- tells that on {NS} Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: and says {X} he can't be nothing but an infidel he don't believe in Heaven he don't believe in hell you said {X} and do it I hear you said it don't he says well what are you doing says you beli- you believe in what he said I said yes some some parts he said- s to me is true and says its nothing more than what sense teaches you that one one uh- {D: pronged up} a whole little storm uh wind storm uh rain and this heat meets together and roll over and it makes thunder Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: and the effects from that makes lightning and says that some say yes it uh they say that but now you don't know that I say well no I don't I- but I believe it uh it's got to be something up there that make it Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: and he says she says to me says now sh- sh- y- you quit believing what he says says if you believe other ways when you come to die you will die {D: hauling} cursing and doing everything else you'll die just like a like a hog when it's took jumping and jigging and running trying not to die Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: because you you knew you were bound for hell and so there ain't nothing you can do to for me and says you just quit listening to what he says and when you go to church hearing whats what the preacher says and says course the preachers got to be right if he means what he says {X} reads the main s- scripture of the Bible {X} and you said {X} or this and that and knewing he could {X} and doing {D: pretty good} and says {X} and study as he grew on pretty and she was {X} talk enough you said you can go back and buy them and find out what he said Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: oh she was pretty {X} and their books been an hour but I never went to school but three days in my life and she went several times she could write she was a good writer she could read any kind of writing {D: does it often} {D: that's} {X} But she read uh {X} {D: Lang} I read it Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: {NW} of any kind of letter I had letters here {D: backed up now} I couldn't make no sense out of it Interviewer: yeah 303: set it down here and {NS} {D: she did her} {X} says bring that there to me staring I said hell I'm getting on this and that and and she wouldn't miss a word and she if she did something {D: use kind of} words who body said wait 'til you s- see what the letter mean she spell it and says uh yes it ain't spelled correctly but I bet the reason but now f- from what she said on this last word what she meant says that's what I go by says she ain't spelled it right I- I- I said well you that's pretty good for you Interviewer: mm 303: I can't do it {NS} and um what are they gonna say {NS} that I stayed with him a year two years worked together two years {NS} and the last year I worked with him I said mister {B} I said uh I went to church I've had the Bible read by white people this white person preach for us today and uh I've mine remind his words of what he said w- was the fact and uh I believe it I said now I can't go on here no more o- on I said yeah I- I was your side 'til this year I stayed on your side never went to church and and di- didn't pay no attention to church or nothing and just thought when a man was dead it was just like a dog fall off in a ditch somewhere that was a Hindu Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: and so I said must go into the {X} I'm getting back from there yup it was pretty hard {NS} and he says well says hell was sitting on the {X} {X} I said yeah he said well tell me says well I said {D: this about here change you} why I ain't never gonna change I'm gonna I believe this from the heart {D: sterling} and it must be right cuz I- {X} person by some words I've said you know you've seen that pass here yes said uh and said yo- and said well says that's enough con- confess you for what I've said we've been talking about here with a- we worked together and we'd come out on the porch and sit and talk with him so then have us a bucket of water and drink {D: and but taste it} and says uh if you do it more my way why i- i- i- i- you you be sorry because you go somewhere else that you won't know more where I'm at because I won't be there they call it Heaven don't they? I yes sir {NS} or they called it paradise yes sir I said well I w- if he wore {D: jeans} from working he stayed on my side all this time {X} what caused you to change? but people told 'em to you by your own knowledge I said by my own knowledge mister {B} and so here a few years he died never did never did make no change he said said he still kept his own {D: mantra} for what he preached for what he taught about he never did change and his wife's dead now and he's dead one of his girls dead he's got {NW} two girls dead I think but two living one boy living and Thomas he was the oldest boy he died {X} it's been fifteen or fifteen years ago those boys and so {X} we parted and I come over here and finally he moved up he moved over here Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: and uh I was {X} I live back on the farm pass right out by his house and never did {D: bore the wife} she walked to town down here from {X} where we lived so sh- when they had one of the daughters the oldest daughter she said that's it where you going said I'm going home says come on in {X} she wanted him talk to her and talk to her mother {NS} and says uh this is his manner long time says I never thought talk you go- been moved over {X} close together no I wouldn't have thought it some boy was {X} with that force and I- I- I- I wouldn't have believed it and says time makes it different and time makes it change Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: and she says {X} {X} did you know our papa know Sterling and papa worked together two or three years said yes and said did you know papa ain't change he still she said {X} what I thought {D: his friend} and uh e- uh- says where the sterling silver is and says yes you know he's doing it back here on the farm and says uh {NS} oh you tell Sterling stop sometimes and {X} e- e- e- {X} they can't get together knowing what they believe and they uh he's got the right for his belief and my daddy's got a right to his belief and so don't let that stop 'em from talking to one another and uh he- {X} says well I don't want a drink of water she went out got the bucket and draw her bucket of water told her get her a glass she said I ain't gonna do it she just drink out of the dipper says you just a clean as I am says oh no uh says yo- yo- y- yes you people ain't ya? said you drink all that but that dipper and she took her drink she said {X} get talking to her and says the last words he said to me says you tell Sterling to talk {D: and see} Pop-pop or papa's sick now Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: and nearly I let that slip I never did stop the {X} {X} don't go I've done {X} I'm not but uh we were friends I didn't have nothing against {X} all I change was what he was preaching Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: that's all I did that's all I can say about it that's all you just put it off it right there and stop {NS} he was a white fellow he wasn't no black fellow Interviewer: yeah 303: he's American cold-blooded American- American and he thought {X} all of 'em did cuz I claimed to be a good {D: darky} and always was since I been married I wouldn't {X} time in there but I got older changed and then had had people to talk to me old people back out of them like young ones tell me bogeyman getting her going straight to hell all like that so I just changed my ways a lot Interviewer: mm-hmm Okay someone that like this that that wouldn't there was no use arguing with him because he wouldn't change his mind would you say that he was stubborn or {D: sought or} muled-headed or? 303: oh yes he's a {D: lugging head} or he's a he's a fool Interviewer: he's a 303: oh he is he's independent Interviewer: uh-huh 303: and uh just something to spend it on with uh everything is safe if it ain't on his side he will not agree with you Interviewer: yes What was the first thing you said? he's {X} 303: he's {D: dumber} Interviewer: He's what? 303: {D: dumber} Interviewer: uh-huh something had it thought don't it? don't he had it or? 303: n- uh dumber-headed or mule-headed or he's foolish Interviewer: uh-huh okay um Somebody that you can't joke with at all without him losing his temper just gets 303: he's he's called oh hot-tempered kinda person and he don't {X} Interviewer: mm-hmm What happens if you joke with him? 303: I beg you? Interviewer: What happens if you joke with him? 303: Why he'd say something to you make you mad or he'd uh wanna hit you Interviewer: yeah okay somebody about to lose their temper you might tell 'em they're just 303: just hold a temper Interviewer: or just keep- 303: or just keep a temper Interviewer: okay what about keep cal- 303: keep calm Interviewer: Okay um Now if you had been working very hard you say that you were very 303: uh sound very tired Interviewer: Okay And if you were very very tired you'd say that you were just 303: just {D: unusual} tired Interviewer: or just completely 303: completely give out Interviewer: okay or completely wo- 303: wore out Interviewer: Okay So if someone was um someone had been quiet without {X} that they had some disease 303: mm-hmm Interviewer: you say well I don't know when it was just last night she what sick 303: she was sick last night Interviewer: yeah she what sick last night 303: s- well cold Interviewer: okay would you say she got sick or took sick or- 303: oh uh she- she- she got sick or she w- she was taken sick she's oh Interviewer: uh-huh Which would you probably say? 303: I'd say oh I'd say she's taken sick Interviewer: You wouldn't? 303: Um? Interviewer: What was that you would've said? 303: I sa- I- I would say she taken taken sick Interviewer: Okay um What if someone had gone outside and in pretty bad weather that later was sneezing and coughing and his eyes and nose were running you'd say that he what? 303: Why he's {X} went out and got too cold and the weather Interviewer: uh-huh 303: he giving a cold might've took the pneumonia Interviewer: Okay so you say that he what cold he? he took a cold or- 303: he took a cold Interviewer: got a cold or 303: yeah he he took a cold um fix it Interviewer: Okay and if it affected his voice you'd say that he was 303: Hoarse Interviewer: Okay and you'd say he has a little {NW} what's that? 303: uh well a- a little touches of pneumonia I'd call it Interviewer: Okay but you call that a When you go like this {NW} 303: You call that a cough Interviewer: Okay Now you say I better go to bed I'm feeling a little 303: {D: stupid} Interviewer: A little what? 303: uh a little stupid or a little sleepy Interviewer: Okay Um What does it mean I feel a little stupid? 303: It means you're drowsy and feel stupid and l- l- look like your eyes won't stay open Interviewer: yeah 303: and uh you won't go to bed Interviewer: mm-kay 303: lie down and relax Interviewer: okay um you say it's six o'clock in the morning then I'll 303: {NW} Six o'clock in the morning? Interviewer: uh-huh 303: I {NW} well getting-up time Interviewer: Okay but before you get up you have to- 303: Lift the pillow off Interviewer: Okay but when the alarm clock goes off then you 303: {NW} Well it's six o'clock about time to get up Interviewer: Okay You mentioned earlier that sometimes you'd stay up to watch the news? 303: mm Interviewer: and you'd fall asleep? 303: hmm well I- that's uh I don't know the word for that exactly the word you fall asleep Interviewer: No- oh now this you know you s- you mention that you like to- to watch the evening news and 303: mm-hmm Interviewer: or like sometimes you can't stay awake all during it 303: th- the problem Interviewer: uh-huh 303: well you need a a sleepover {D: tuck-in} Interviewer: uh-huh 303: and I went to sleep and missed it Interviewer: yeah 303: I waked up it's all over Interviewer: yeah Okay um You said he's still sleeping you'd better go in there and 303: lie down Interviewer: Okay or say someone was supposed to go to work very shortly and he was still in bed asleep you'd say uh he's gonna be late for work so you'd better go in there and- 303: wake him up Interviewer: Okay Do you ever use the word rouse? 303: Rouse? arouse him up Interviewer: uh-huh I tho- thought I heard you use that before saying talking about Would you say it um at six o'clock in the morning I'll rouse up or 303: r- rouse up Interviewer: Do you use that word? 303: I'll wake up yes ma'am {NS} Interviewer: Okay uh Say somebody was sick and you've gotten some medicine for him and you go into their room and you see the medicine still by their bed 303: mm-hmm Interviewer: You might ask why haven't you-? 303: taken the medicine Interviewer: okay the person might answer well an hour ago I- 303: I tooken some Interviewer: Okay um and in another couple of hours I'll 303: take another Interviewer: okay {NS} somebody who can't hear anything at all you'd say that they're 303: deaf deaf deaf and dumb Interviewer: Okay um Say if they had been out working real hard an- and it's real hot you know 303: mm Interviewer: and he takes off his shirt and its all wet 303: mm-hmm Interviewer: you know he'd say look how much I-? 303: I sweat Interviewer: Okay um What do you call the little sore that comes to a head? 303: sto- sore Interviewer: sore like on you're 303: call it a pimple Interviewer: Okay any other name? It comes to a head 303: uh {D: it's a rising} Interviewer: Okay What about another name for that? 303: it's a Oh I know another name but I can't uh Interviewer: starts with a B? {NS} 303: it's it's come to a head Interviewer: mm-hmm Do you- 303: and {X} {D: build} Interviewer: uh-huh What's the stuff that drains out 303: uh they call it crimson Interviewer: uh-huh 303: or either call it {D: muck} Interviewer: uh-huh And what do you call that thing? 303: {D: Crimson or muck} Interviewer: uh-huh Do y- Do you talk You say rising or- 303: uh a rising or a pimple Interviewer: What about boi-? 303: huh? Interviewer: starts with a b boi- 303: Boil Interviewer: Yeah do you call it does that 303: Yeah it be called b- boil as I pronounce it or carbuncle Interviewer: Okay These are all the same thing? 303: No carbuncle is a little bit different it comes to head but it it hurts you it's a terrible thing uh carbuncle I had one on my neck back there when I was a boy Interviewer: uh-huh 303: sore gonna {X} couldn't rest stay down couldn't rest I'd rub it and inflame it mother told me not to scratch it doc- see doctor to put spread on it wash it off every morning {X} carbuncle they're the same Interviewer: How long did you have it? 303: I kept it around let's see a month Interviewer: hmm 303: {NW} uh it {X} going going down and quit hur- paining and itching but I guess it'd been better for me not to been scratching you know children here mother put something on it sti- stick it on there and {X} {X} and pain and {X} {D: freeze that} thing up and oh move it around that took long to show up Interviewer: mm-hmm Did it get much bigger? 303: No she kept what she put on it kept it from spreading Interviewer: mm-kay 303: bigger larger {D: should say} Interviewer: Okay suppose a bee stings you then your hand will? 303: Swell Interviewer: Okay So you say a bee stung me yesterday and my hand? 303: Swell Interviewer: Okay {D: they say} still pretty badly 303: When it's still swole Interviewer: Okay um You know when you open a blister the liquid that that comes out What do you call that? 303: Water water blister Interviewer: Okay and {NS} say someone had been shot or stabbed you'd have to get a doctor to look at the- 303: mm the wound Interviewer: The what? 303: l- look at the wound Interviewer: Okay Um You know what about some wounds don't heal back right you know they get this white gras- white grain sort of stuff around the um edges and sometimes you got to cut it out or burn it out because it it doesn't heal right 303: no {NS} Interviewer: You know what I mean? 303: uh no I can't answer that Interviewer: It's Have you ever read something called some kind of flesh some- 303: proud flesh yeah {NS} proud flesh it won't hardly heal Interviewer: uh-huh 303: Or either {D: cancer} Interviewer: mm-hmm Okay Suppose you had a little cut on your finger And you might put this medicine on it this it's a liquid and it's brown and it stings a lot 303: that's uh fluid uh I- call it {X} I got a bottle in down in there iodine Interviewer: mm-kay And this is something that people used to get for malaria {NS} 303: Used to get for what? Interviewer: malaria you know 303: {D: f- flavor} Interviewer: uh-huh 303: {X} fever no Interviewer: What medicine did they take? this one 303: the- the- they took it back yonder they took morphine and and uh quinine Interviewer: uh-huh 303: for that {NS} they took {NS} and uh they took it uh dial their fever down Interviewer: uh-huh They take morphine for it? 303: mo- morphine or and quinine Interviewer: uh-huh 303: but I ain't seen no quinine I guess they still {D: get it though} {X} morphine they still get it costs about forty dollars a bottle now {D: fifty} Interviewer: You guys still buy morphine? 303: n- n- no I don't buy none I said people can still buy it Interviewer: uh-huh 303: it's still in practice but a a outsider can't get it without a {X} sorta like this here it's a {D: habit} uh {D: an agreement} Interviewer: yeah 303: {D: told the person} start to be a morphine dipper or either quinine there ain't got nothing on that but morphine it won't let you have it without prescription Interviewer: yeah 303: they put that out {D: kind} old fellow had he had a farm? and the morphine when he started was uh two and three dollars a bottle and he took it about ten years Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: and it got up to forty dollars a bottle {NS} and he still kept taking it and uh he took it 'til a he broke hisself Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: didn't have nothing and had had a great big {D: horn} stop money Interviewer: mm-hmm 303: and it passed his mother his daddy was dead and uh she tried to get him to quit but but he wouldn't wouldn't do it Interviewer: yeah {NS} Okay someone was shot say and didn't recover you'd say that the person? 303: oh uh he died Interviewer: okay Any other words for saying he died? 303: {NW} yes there's another way but I can't recall it {D: he ceased it} one thing from that shop Interviewer: uh-huh What about any crude ways of saying somebody died? 303: {NW} Interviewer: I mean Ones that aren't nice I mean that aren't serious maybe 303: I've some of 'em say they didn't like 'em they turn it over there to die Interviewer: mm-hmm They ever say say that that {X} kicked 303: the old devil {X} Interviewer: or ki- kicked the 303: kick the bucket Interviewer: yeah {NS} {X} 303: yes I've heard that {NS} Interviewer: Okay you say well he's been dead a week and nobody's figured out yet what he died- 303: died with Interviewer: okay and um place where people are buried 303: call it a graveyard or a cemetery Interviewer: Okay And um Is there any difference between graveyard and cemetery? {NS} 303: Well I yes there's something different but I can't recall it that's different {NS} {NS} I can't recall it Interviewer: Okay um and the box that people are buried in 303: That's called a {NW} {NW} uh {NS} {X} that I know it but I I just can't call it right now and I knowed from my wife buried in one Interviewer: Is it cas- 303: Casket that's right casket Interviewer: Okay but what about when you were growing up that wooden thing 303: a wooden box Interviewer: uh-huh Would they call it casket or-? 303: #1 no # Interviewer: #2 {D: or think} # 303: They'd call it a w- a wooden box Interviewer: What about cof-? 303: a coffin a coffin Interviewer: uh-huh 303: call it a wooden box or {NS} {NW} Interviewer: Okay I don't guess you ever heard the word pinto 303: pinto Interviewer: yeah 303: no Interviewer: okay You said he was a real important man everybody turned out for his-? 303: uh {X} Interviewer: oh say say a real important person had died 303: mm-hmm Interviewer: You'd say everybody came to his 303: rester {NS} Interviewer: or t- to the ceremony? 303: or to the ceremony or either to the the wake Interviewer: uh-huh or either to the graveyard uh-huh What what happens when a person dies? What is a- They take the body to the funeral home and then 303: They take the body to the funeral home then from there to the grave Interviewer: mm-hmm Okay um People at a funeral who are all dressed up in black you'd say that they're in 303: {D: they're in} I suppose you'd call it uh dressed up in black and sing Interviewer: Who were crying and you know really upset {NS} the family you know dresses up and 303: {NW} Interviewer: puts on black clothes and {X} 303: {D: they'd say} Interviewer: okay what about {X} 303: {X} Interviewer: You say that they're in mour- 303: {NW} Interviewer: mourning 303: they are mourning Interviewer: What about mourning? mourning 303: {NW} {NW} Interviewer: Would you say someone's mourning? 303: yes um uh I know what it means but I can't {X} to get that together Interviewer: Okay suppose um {NS} suppose someone saw you oh say today and asked you how you are you feeling you'd say? 303: I'm feeling very well Interviewer: Okay um Is that what you usually say? Very well 303: n- no Sometimes I say I'm feeling alright or either I'm ain't feeling good today Interviewer: uh-huh 303: as I did yesterday Interviewer: yeah Okay say your children are out late and you're wife's getting a little excited about it you say oh they'll be at home alright just don't you 303: worry Interviewer: okay and