303: {NS} {NS} {NS} {NW} {NS} Interviewer: okay um Say you you wanna buy something but it's too expensive you'd say well I like it but it what 303: just too high for me to buy Interviewer: or it what too much it 303: it's way Interviewer: it co- 303: cost lit- too much Interviewer: okay When it's time to pay the bills you say the bill is 303: it's time to pay the bill off Interviewer: mm 303: today Interviewer: yeah on the first of the month the bill is 303: to be paid off Interviewer: okay if you belong to a club you have to pay your 303: salary Interviewer: or your is there another name for that? 303: yes it's another but I can't call it Interviewer: what about dues or dues {C: pronunciation} 303: uh uh dues Interviewer: okay So they tell you on the first of the month the bill is 303: forty dollars Interviewer: okay um if you don't have any money you might go to a friend a try to 303: borrow some Interviewer: okay you say in the thirties money was 303: hmm? Interviewer: in the nineteen thirties money was 303: scarce Interviewer: okay Said he ran down the springboard and what into the water 303: he sprung into the water Interviewer: or he you know goes head first he 303: oh he he flipped in the water or or he sprung into the water Interviewer: okay what about using the word dive? 303: dived into the water {C: tape skips} Interviewer: okay say nine or ten children have already {C:tape error} what into the water already 303: {NW} dived Interviewer: mm-kay but I was too scared to 303: to make it Interviewer: to what into the water 303: to make a dive into the water Interviewer: okay When you dive in and hit the water flat on your stomach you call that a 303: belly bust Interviewer: okay um and {D: Jock} puts head down on the ground and turns a 303: {D: a backie} Interviewer: yeah he turns a a som- 303: a somersault Interviewer: okay um and you say he he dived into the water and he what across the lake 303: dived into the water Interviewer: yeah and then he what across the river he 303: he swim across the river Interviewer: okay um I have what in that creek before I have 303: I have been in it Interviewer: or um I have {NW} 303: {C: tape error} Interviewer: {X} 303: {C: tape error} Interviewer: What's that? 303: I have swimmed in the creek uh Interviewer: okay 303: thing before Interviewer: um say children like to what in the creek children like to 303: like to dive Interviewer: and 303: and uh swim Interviewer: okay um {NS} you say um someone didn't know how to swim you'd say that he was 303: {NW} he he got to learn he don't know how Interviewer: yeah what might happen to him if he can't swim 303: he might drown Interviewer: okay you say he couldn't swim and he got he couldn't swim 303: {NW} and he got drowned Interviewer: okay you say um so he went down for the third time you'd say that he 303: got his last time Interviewer: yeah and what happened to him? you say he 303: drowned Interviewer: okay What does a baby do before it can walk? 303: it crawls Interviewer: okay um you say that'd be a hard mountain to 303: hard mountain Interviewer: hard mountain to 303: climb Interviewer: okay but my neighbor what it last year my neighbor 303: my neighbor climbed the mountain Interviewer: okay but I had never 303: tr- never climbed it Interviewer: okay um okay if um you say she walked up to the alter and she what down 303: the head down Interviewer: yeah she gets down on her knees you say she 303: prayed Interviewer: yeah you say she walked up to the author and she 303: prayed Interviewer: yeah but to get down on the knees you say she 303: {X} stoop Interviewer: okay would you say she knelt down or kneeled down or 303: kneeled down or {D: hunched} down Interviewer: mm-kay um 303: {NW} Interviewer: say if you were very tired you'd say I think I'll go 303: and lay down Interviewer: okay you say he was really sick he just what in bed all day he just 303: he he's very sick Interviewer: yeah 303: and he laid down Interviewer: okay talk about things that you see in your sleep you'd say this is what I 303: dreamed of Interviewer: okay but often when I go to sleep I 303: dreamed of something Interviewer: okay but I usually can't remember what I have 303: some times dream Interviewer: okay I usually can't remember what I have 303: #1 seen # Interviewer: #2 or # or what I have 303: seen Interviewer: or dr- what I have dr- 303: dreamt of Interviewer: okay you said I dreamed I was falling but just when I was fixing to hit the ground I 303: {X} awake Interviewer: uh-huh 303: it it it {X} awake Interviewer: okay um 303: #1 {NW} # Interviewer: #2 okay if you bring it # huh? 303: oh I was fixing to say uh uh I won't say it that's alright uh Interviewer: but what 303: I can't say the other part Interviewer: what were you- 303: the other part I can't say it that's far as I can go at this time Interviewer: okay um say if you bring your foot down heavy on the floor you say you what the floor 303: made a pattern Interviewer: yeah or now you bring your foot down heavy you 303: oh flat on the floor Interviewer: uh-huh would you say you sto- 303: stomp the floor Interviewer: okay um if a boy saw a girl at church and wanted to go home with her he would ask her may I- what you home 303: Can I help you coming? Interviewer: okay may I 303: walk you home Interviewer: Okay what if he had a car? 303: oh he can uh drive you home Interviewer: okay um to get something to come towards you you take hold of it and 303: oh uh you got me stumped on that Interviewer: okay um take hold of this and 303: pull? Interviewer: and the other word would be? 303: {D: pull} Interviewer: and if I wanted it away from me I'd 303: push it Interviewer: okay um say you had a sack of groceries and didn't have your car you'd say I just picked up the groceries and I 303: um in my arms Interviewer: And I what 303: walked away Interviewer: okay would you say you might say I carried 'em 303: #1 or # Interviewer: #2 I # 303: carried it #1 or # Interviewer: #2 I- I- # 303: I towed it Interviewer: okay um you might tell a child now that stove is really hot so 303: if that stove is hot now watch you might get burned Interviewer: yeah or don't don't you 303: play around the stove Interviewer: you you tell him don't don't you 303: touch that stuff Interviewer: okay um say if you if you needed a hammer you might tell someone go what me the hammer go 303: hammer Interviewer: yeah go in there and 303: get me a hammer Interviewer: okay um you know playing hide and seek children have maybe a a tree that they can touch and be safe 303: yeah Interviewer: they'd call that the 303: the base Interviewer: okay um what about in football the things that they run toward they call those the 303: the basket Interviewer: okay but football 303: oh Interviewer: the go- 303: I don't know much about that I couldn't tell you Interviewer: okay um you throw a ball and ask somebody to 303: catch it Interviewer: okay so you say I threw the ball and he 303: he caught it Interviewer: okay you say I've been fishing all day but I still haven't 303: haven't caught none Interviewer: okay you say there's no need for you to hurry I'll wait I'll wait 303: no matter {NS} {X} Interviewer: okay you say there's no need for you to hurry if I get there first I'll I'll wait 303: I'll wait for you Interviewer: okay um say if you were about to fire a man that was working for you cuz he hasn't done much work he might say um well don't fire me just give me another 303: another chance Interviewer: okay and if a man was in a real good mood you'd say that he was in a very good 303: uh that's the best I have Interviewer: okay he's in a very good 303: mood Interviewer: okay um you say well we've got termites but I'm sure they exterminating company will get 303: will get to it Interviewer: or will get what of them will get 303: uh spray 'em out Interviewer: #1 yeah # 303: #2 uh # Interviewer: and get get sh- 303: #1 get shed of 'em # Interviewer: #2 shed # or get rid of 'em 303: or get rid of 'em Interviewer: okay um say if a boy left his left his pencil on the desk and came back and didn't find it there he'd ask I bet you say I bet somebody 303: {NW} took it or stole it Interviewer: okay any other word you might use? 303: s- somebody else might have borrowed it Interviewer: okay um {NS} you say I'd forgotten about that but now I 303: {NW} I thought of it Interviewer: okay um you'd say um I had just what him a letter 303: I had just got a letter from uh my sister Interviewer: okay she she what me a letter she 303: she used a well Interviewer: uh-huh say I had just what 303: received the letter from Interviewer: okay um you say tomorrow I'll what her a letter 303: I'll {D: pencil} her a letter Interviewer: okay or okay what about write a letter? 303: or either write her a letter Interviewer: okay you say I have just what her a letter I've just 303: I've just wroten her a letter Interviewer: okay and you say um yester- yesterday I what her a letter 303: yesterday I I don't think I remember today Interviewer: okay you say she what me a letter 303: sh- she mailed me a letter Interviewer: okay what about using the word write she 303: she wrote me a letter I wrote her I write me a letter Interviewer: okay you say um I wrote here and it's time I was getting a 303: getting {X} Interviewer: getting a you said I expect to get a 303: a an answer Interviewer: okay you put the letter in the envelope then you take out your pen and you what a letter 303: seal the letter Interviewer: okay and then when you write her yo- you take out the put the letter in the envelope then you seal the envelope then you turn the envelope over and you what 303: stamp Interviewer: okay or you you say you back the letter 303: I back the letter Interviewer: okay is there any other word people might use for that? 303: {NW} yes there's another one but I'm stumped on it Interviewer: okay you say um I was gonna write her but I didn't know her 303: her address Interviewer: okay would you talk about then you'd put the letter in the envelope and you would 303: seal it up Interviewer: do you say you address it or address it or 303: I address it I reckon {NS} Interviewer: okay um if a child had just learned something new um say he learned to whistle you want to know where he learned it you'd ask him who 303: he said I learned from my friends sch- school Interviewer: okay um or you might ask him though who what you that who 303: who who what Interviewer: who was it that 303: it it uh learned you Interviewer: okay um what'll a child what does a child call another child that's always running and telling on them 303: {NW} when I telling on uh Interviewer: uh-huh {NS} you call a child like that a 303: child uh you got me blocked on that Interviewer: yeah say um say there's a group of children and there's always one child that will go tell on the others 303: yeah Interviewer: they call him a 303: tattler Interviewer: okay do you use that word about adults? 303: no Interviewer: uh-huh would you say that grown-ups are tattlers 303: yes Interviewer: okay say if you were to brighten up your room for a party you got out to the garden and 303: get some flowers Interviewer: okay um something that a child plays with you'd call that a 303: toy Interviewer: okay um what about play pretty? 303: uh play pretty of all types {NW} a play pretty {X} {NS} {D: and I} came down right over there Interviewer: mm-kay say something you didn't expect for something bad to happen like say a child was walking along the top of a fence and you expected him to fall off 303: mm Interviewer: and you'd been telling people he was gonna fall off 303: mm-hmm Interviewer: and um and someone came in and told you that he had fallen off you'd say I just 303: I just remind him of that I've told him Interviewer: uh-huh or I just would you say I just knowed? 303: I just knowed he it would happen thataway Interviewer: okay you say that's the book that you what me for Christmas? 303: oh you got me posed on that Interviewer: okay what do you do at Christmas? 303: well {D: you go to} plays p- lights Interviewer: uh-huh 303: trees Interviewer: do you have presents? 303: n- and presents {D: it's a big deal} Interviewer: to be what? 303: present be given out Interviewer: uh-huh okay so you say that's the present that you what me for Christmas? th- that you 303: that you bought me for for Christmas Interviewer: and then you what it to me then you 303: I received it Interviewer: uh-huh because you what it to me for Christmas 303: because you sent it to me or brought it to me or gave it to me Interviewer: okay um you say I'm glad I carry my umbrella because we hadn't gone half a block when it what to rain 303: rain Interviewer: when it {NS} 303: when it let's see I believe I'm blocked on that Interviewer: okay say um you say I'm glad I carried my umbrella 303: um Interviewer: cuz we hadn't gone half a block when it 303: started to rain Interviewer: okay um or another word you might use for that you'd say um when it the 303: {NW} Interviewer: when it be- 303: begin to rain Interviewer: okay and you asked someone what time does the movie 303: that starts at eight o'clock Interviewer: okay what it what time does the movie beg- begi- 303: {NW} {NW} it begins at eight o'clock the movie Interviewer: okay or you might say well it must've already 303: been over Interviewer: or it must've already be- 303: begun Interviewer: okay um you say horses gallop but people 303: uh horses gallop but people walk Interviewer: or faster than that they? you say go real fast they 303: fast Interviewer: the ru- 303: run fast Interviewer: okay you say I was feeling so good that I what all the way home 303: {X} Interviewer: using the word run you say I 303: run Interviewer: I was feeling so good that I 303: run I reckon what it is Interviewer: okay you say they have what a mile every day this week 303: uh I've got to skip that I can't answer that Interviewer: okay if you didn't know where a man was born you might ask where does he 303: where were you born at Interviewer: oh or where does he what from 303: where do he live? or where did he come from Interviewer: okay and you say he what in on the train last night he 303: he come up on the train last night Interviewer: okay you say he has what to this town 303: he's a stranger in this town Interviewer: or he has he has just what in this town 303: just uh Interviewer: he has what through this trow- town on the train he has 303: he has came to this town Interviewer: okay you okay tell about the word see you would say I what her outside a few minutes ago 303: {NW} {NW} I can't unravel that {D: think there was} sunshine Interviewer: uh-huh using the word see 303: see Interviewer: uh-huh you would say I 303: seen the sunshine Interviewer: okay um now you say I hope to what you again soon I hope to 303: I hope to see Interviewer: okay 303: better Interviewer: um you say we have what so little of you this year we have {NS} 303: {NW} Interviewer: using the word see say we have 303: seen a lot this year Interviewer: okay you say you can't get in through there because the {D: holiday part was got} their machines out and the road's all all tor- 303: tore up Interviewer: okay um you get somebody a bracelet and you wanna see how it looks on her so you tell her well why don't you just go ahead and 303: and wear it Interviewer: or what it on go ahead and 303: put it on Interviewer: okay and tell me about the word do you'd say yesterday my sister what that 303: my sister come to see me yesterday #1 or something like that # Interviewer: #2 okay # using the word do you might ask someone can you what that can you 303: Can you do this? Interviewer: and say um yesterday my sister {NS} what that 303: {D: she didn't} {D: say nothing} Interviewer: or you say can you do that and you say um my sister what that yesterday my sister 303: uh you got me puzzled Interviewer: okay and you might say sure someone asks you can you do that and you say sure I what that all my life 303: {X} that's what you'd say I reckon Interviewer: you'd say what? sure I 303: sure I can do it Interviewer: or I have 303: done that before Interviewer: okay and you say can your sister do that and you say she 303: no she can't do it Interviewer: okay um okay you might say um I don't smoke but he I don't smoke cigars but he 303: bu- but my my father did Interviewer: okay um say I might ask you what's new and you might just shrug your shoulders and shake your head and say oh 303: uh I know what's what's anything new Interviewer: okay um say that if we were just sitting here and neither one of us was saying anything and all of a sudden I ask what did you say you might say well I didn't say 303: I didn't say nothing Interviewer: okay now say oh I thought you said 303: something Interviewer: okay um say if I ask you how long you've lived here you might say well I what lived here 303: two or three years Interviewer: or I've al- 303: huh? Interviewer: you say I've lived here all my life 303: #1 oh yeah # Interviewer: #2 I've I've # 303: I've lived here all my life Interviewer: or I've al- 303: always Interviewer: okay 303: {D: my daughter} Interviewer: what? 303: Are you {D: the dog?} I I can't just word I can't explain Interviewer: what what's that word again? 303: oh uh it's just it means oh uh this is the only place I {D: in the future that} I like to live Interviewer: uh-huh 303: but see it's uh word that I can't speak it out Interviewer: what's what was that word again though? al- 303: {X} yeah Interviewer: uh-huh 303: they'd always {X} yeah that's what Interviewer: uh-huh 303: what it mean but I didn't exactly explain it right how it oughta be just {X} Interviewer: okay um you said well I've been living here ever what I got married ever 303: ever since I got married Interviewer: okay you say um now that wasn't an accident he did that he meant to do that he did it 303: by accident Interviewer: no say it wasn't an accident 303: it wasn't an accident Interviewer: or if it wasn't an accident you'd say he did it 303: on purpose Interviewer: okay um you'd said say um there's something that say well I think this is what happened but I'm not 303: sure Interviewer: okay um you say well I don't know that would you say I don't know that for sure 303: I don't know it for sure Interviewer: or would you s- okay or w- now does this which sounds right to you to say um I'm not sure or I'm not for sure how do you 303: I'm not for sure Interviewer: does that sound okay? 303: certainly {D: maybe} Interviewer: okay um say you had a question you'd say Well I don't know the answer to your question you'd better go what somebody else 303: you'd better go ask somebody else Interviewer: okay {X} So I went and what him? 303: I went and asked him Interviewer: and you say well he's already what me that 303: no Interviewer: you've already 303: I'm stumped right there Interviewer: Or say you're the second person who's 303: that asked me that Interviewer: okay um you say children those little boys like to what each other like to 303: might hurt one another Interviewer: or they like to 303: they like to play with one another Interviewer: or like to fi- 303: they like to fight Interviewer: okay you say every time they left they 303: you always gotta fight Interviewer: or they 303: uh Interviewer: okay you say they have what ever since they were small 303: they have done that Interviewer: they 303: ever since they was children Interviewer: they've done what they've 303: {X} {D: not fighting} Interviewer: okay say if you say he 303: he Interviewer: what her with a big knife he 303: he {NS} s- {D: swarted her} with a big knife Interviewer: {X} {NW} 303: {X} Interviewer: or stu- 303: or stuck her Interviewer: What about {D: stabbed or stomped} 303: uh {D: stomp} {X} {D: stabbed} {NS} st- stabs {X} Interviewer: {D: stabs seems more} {NS} 303: startled Interviewer: you say then he what {D: out the blade} then he 303: sta- sta- Interviewer: using the word draw then he 303: and then he drawed it out Interviewer: You were gonna lift something heavy like a piece of machinery up on a roof you might use pulley blocks and a rope to 303: mm-hmm Interviewer: what it up 303: you pull it or draw it out Interviewer: okay but use the word hoist or hoist? {C: pronunciation} {NS} up on the roof 303: #1 hoist # Interviewer: #2 # 303: #1 {NS} # Interviewer: #2 you might use pull it # 303: #1 # Interviewer: #2 or # 303: #1 hors- # Interviewer: #2 {X} # 303: #1 hoist it # Interviewer: #2 {X} # 303: #1 {NS} # Interviewer: #2 {D: what in a} # Which word sounds more familiar? 303: hoist {C: pronunciation} Interviewer: okay um okay Could you start counting slowly? {NS} {NW} Could you start counting? okay 303: slow {NS} {D: a woman} Interviewer: {D: the other way} 303: {D: I reckon} Is that what you want? Interviewer: Yeah start counting 303: one two {D: slow} Interviewer: yeah 303: three four by one? #1 five # Interviewer: #2 yes # 303: six alright seven eight that what you want? nine ten eleven {C: tape error twelve {NS} thirteen {NS} fourteen Interviewer: okay and the number after nineteen is? 303: {X} twenty Interviewer: and the number after twenty? uh twenty-six is {X} 303: twenty-seven Interviewer: and after twenty-nine? {NS} 303: thirty Interviewer: and after thirty-nine {NS} 303: forty Interviewer: and after sixty-nine is {NS} 303: seventy Interviewer: and after ninety-nine {NS} 303: hundred {NS} Interviewer: and then after nine hundred and ninety-nine 303: I'm getting lost now {NS} Interviewer: How much {X} How much m- money did you say 303: hundred Interviewer: say {NS} was stolen from you is it something like seven hundred and fifty dollars? 303: seven hundred and fifty dollars Interviewer: but that was nearer if it had been two hundred fifty more dollars you would have {C: tape error} {NS} 303: one thousand{C: tape error} Interviewer: um {C: tape error} and if you were real rich {C: tape error} you might say that you have {C: tape error} one {C: tape error} {NS} {C: tape error} what dollars {C: tape error} one {C: tape error} 303: one million {C: tape error} Interviewer: okay {C: tape error} um {C: tape error} now suppose you had a {C: tape error} {NS} {C: tape error} a line of men {C: tape error} and {C: tape error} standing somewhere {C: tape error} all lined up {C: tape error} 303: mm {C: tape error} Interviewer: Say there were eleven men in the line {C: tape error} the man at the back of the line would be the eleventh {C: tape error} {NS} {C: tape error} okay the man at the {C: tape error} {D: line of the line} {C: tape error} would be the {C: tape error} {NS} {C: tape error} not the eleventh {C: tape error} he'd be the {C: tape error} 303: twelfth{C: tape error} Interviewer: but he'd be {C: tape error} number one {C: tape error} he'd be the {C: tape error} 303: number uh {C: tape error} {X} {C: tape error} Interviewer: okay um {C: tape error} okay the man in front of the eleventh man would be {C: tape error} 303: twelfth {C: tape error} Interviewer: okay but he'd be number what? he'd be the 303: {NS} the man in the front {C: tape error} Interviewer: okay what {C: tape error} suppose you go to school {C: tape error} t- {C: tape error} um {C: tape error} {C: tape error} the grade that you go into {C: tape error} {C: tape error} from kindergarten is the {C: tape error} {C: tape error} which grade?{C: tape error} 303: uh {C: overlap with tapeover} {NS} first grade {C: tape error} Interviewer: okay then you go into the {C: tape error} 303: second {C: tape error} Interviewer: okay keep going second and 303: third Interviewer: good keep going 303: fourth fifth sixth seventh and the eighth Interviewer: okay {C: tape error} what would you go to after that? {C: tape error} {C: tape error} 303: {C: tape error} {D: college} Interviewer: okay or that would be the 303: ninth okay keep going {NS} tenth Interviewer: okay um {X} {NS} say sometimes you feel your good luck comes just a little at a time {X} {C: overlap with tapeover} 303: {NS} all the time {C: tape error} Interviewer: or all {NS} all 303: {D: all but} one Interviewer: okay If you said something {D: two terms} {C: overlap with tapeover} 303: twice {C: tape error} Interviewer: okay {C: tape error} and would you name the months of the year? {C: tape error} {NS} {NS} 303: the months of the year Interviewer: mm-hmm {NS} 303: I don't know exactly {D: what} what you mean Interviewer: okay what month is the {C: tape error} alright {C: tape error} just okay{C: tape error} s- you start off Jan- 303: January you're starting with January Interviewer: okay and keep going 303: February March April {X} {C: tape error} May{C: tape error} {NS}{C: tape error} June {C: tape error} July{C: tape error} August{C: tape error} September{C: tape error} October{C: tape error} November{C: tape error} December{C: tape error} Interviewer: okay {C: tape error} And the days of the week? {C: tape error} {NS} {C: tape error} 303: Monday {C: tape error} {NS} {C: tape error} Sunday- Monday {C: tape error} {NS} {C: tape error} Tuesday {C: tape error} Wednesday {C: tape error} Thursday {C: tape error} Friday {C: tape error} Saturday {C: tape error} Sunday {C: tape error} Interviewer: mm-kay {C: tape error} What does Sabbath mean? {C: tape error} {NS} {C: tape error} 303: that means {C: tape error} {D: Sabbath's the name of it} {C: tape error} Interviewer: mm-hmm {C: tape error} 303: {NS} {C: tape error} it's the day {C: tape error} {C: tape error} the day that Christ raised the earth up {C: tape error} Interviewer: mm-kay {C: tape error} um {C: tape error} when you meet someone during the early part of the day {C: tape error} {C: tape error} What do you say as a greeting? {C: tape error} {C: tape error} 303: uh {C: tape error} {NS} {C: tape error} good evening or good morning {C: tape error} Interviewer: okay what {C: tape error} What's it mean when you say good evening? {C: tape error} 303: {X}{C: tape error} Interviewer: um{C: tape error} {NS} {C: tape error} Do you ever say good day to people? {C: tape error} 303: uh{C: tape error} yes ma'am{C: tape error} {X}{C: tape error} good day{C: tape error} Interviewer: When do you say that?{C: tape error} 303: uh that's uh{C: tape error} {NS}{C: tape error} during the day{C: tape error} Interviewer: you say it when you meet them or when you're leaving? {NS}{C: tape error} 303: uh{C: tape error} {NS}{C: tape error} I saying when I'm leaving{C: tape error} {NS}{C: tape error} good day to you{C: tape error} {NW} Interviewer: okay{C: tape error} um{C: tape error} {NS} What do you say when you're saying goodbye when you're leaving someone's house at night {NS}{C: tape error} 303: well{C: tape error} good day to you good good evening to y'all Interviewer: mm-kay {NS} is that what you say at night?{C: tape error} 303: yes ma'am{C: tape error} {D: that's night} Interviewer: okay 303: {X} {D: either} {X} night {NS} if it is night {D: course you would be night} {NS}{C: tape error} Interviewer: okay um {NS} If you had to start work before daylight you'd say we started to work before 303: before daylight Interviewer: but before su- 303: before sunrise Interviewer: okay and we worked until 303: eight o'clock that night Interviewer: or 'til sun-{C: tape error} 303: or 'til the {C: tape error} sunrise{C: tape error} Interviewer: huh? 303: or you work 'til the sunrise Interviewer: and what was his{C: tape error} he worked until the sun{C: tape error} 303: rise {C: tape error} Interviewer: what's {C: tape error} what do you mean huh? {C: tape error} 303: that means {C: tape error} that I I I worked {C: tape error} {NS} {C: tape error} that night {C: tape error} until the sun rose the next morning {C: tape error} Interviewer: okay so sunrise and sunup are the same thing? {NS} 303: sunrise and sunup means Interviewer: okay um you say {NS} um {NS} we were a littler late because when we got out in the field the sun had already 303: got hot Interviewer: but the sun had already 303: already been up Interviewer: okay but using the word rise you'd say the sun had already {NS} 303: risen {C: tape error} {NS} Interviewer: um you say this morning I saw the sun {C: tape error} 303: coming up {C: tape error} Interviewer: okay {C: tape error} {NS} {C: tape error} say {C: tape error} if you worked until the sun went out of sight {C: tape error} you'd say we worked until {C: tape error} 303: sundown {C: tape error} Interviewer: okay {C: tape error} {NS}{C: tape error} um{C: tape error} {NS}{C: tape error} you say{C: tape error} Thursday's today{C: tape error} so Wednesday was{C: tape error} {NS}{C: tape error} 303: Thurs- day when {D: would be what} Interviewer: Wednesday was {NS}{C: tape error} 303: it would be {X} {X} {D: can't unravel that} Interviewer: okay um you say um {NS}{C: tape error} um I came over here when when was I over here last {NS} 303: uh you say I was over here last Friday Interviewer: okay or when when was I over here last {NS} I was over here when {NS} {NW} 303: {X} Interviewer: okay you say {NS} said Thursday's today 303: yeah Interviewer: Wednesday wasn't today Wednesday was 303: was yester- day Interviewer: okay and Friday will be {NS} 303: the next day{C: tape error} Interviewer: {C: tape error}what day? 303: {D: uh Tuesday} uh {C: tape error} uh tomorrow {C: tape error} Interviewer: okay if somebody came here on Sunday {NS} okay say the last Sunday that- not the last Sunday you came here a week earlier than last Sunday you'd say he came here 303: the week before last Interviewer: okay{C: tape error} um{C: tape error} {NS}{C: tape error} okay if someone's gonna leave here{C: tape error} {C: tape error} a week beyond {C: tape error} next Sunday{C: tape error} you'd say he was gonna leave here{C: tape error} {NS}{C: tape error} 303: next Sunday Interviewer: uh no not next Sunday a week beyond that {C: tape error} the Sunday after that{C: tape error} {C: tape error} 303: I don't wanna tell it{C: tape error} but I can't recall it{C: tape error} Interviewer: do you use the expression Sunday week or{C: tape error} 303: Sunday week{C: tape error} Interviewer: yeah what does that mean?{C: tape error} 303: that's mean the week beyond next next Sunday{C: tape error} Interviewer: a week ago next Sunday? a it's in the future {NS}{C: tape error} 303: {X}{C: tape error} Interviewer: whe-{C: tape error} when is Sunday week?{C: tape error} 303: that's {C: tape error} week after the next{C: tape error} Interviewer: okay um if someone stays from the first until the fifteenth you'd say he stayed about {C: tape error} 303: about three weeks Interviewer: okay um {NS} if you wanted to know the time of day you'd ask somebody 303: I'd ask 'em oh what time of day is it Interviewer: {NS} okay um {C: tape error} and um if you wanted to {X} see what time it was you might look at your 303: watch Interviewer: okay if it was midway between seven o'clock and eight o'clock you'd say it was{C: tape error} {NS}{C: tape error} 303: midway between what Interviewer: seven o'clock and eight o'clock {C: tape error} 303: it'd be quarter to eight I'd reckon Interviewer: okay but um {NS} it's not a quarter 'til eight it's um it's just ha- 303: half Interviewer: half what 303: half past {NS}{C: tape error} seven Interviewer: okay{C: tape error} {NS}{C: tape error} um {C: tape error} you've been doing something for a long time {C: tape error} you might say {C: tape error} I've been doing that for quite a {C: tape error} 303: while{C: tape error} {NS}{C: tape error} Interviewer: okay you might say nineteen seventy-two was last year nineteen seventy-three is {NS}{C: tape error} 303: is this year Interviewer: okay if a child has his third birthday{C: tape error} you say that he was {C: tape error} 303: three years old{C: tape error} Interviewer: okay{C: tape error} and something happened on this date last year{C: tape error} you'd say happiest {X}{C: tape error} {NS}{C: tape error} 303: {NW}{C: tape error} {D: ten times a day}{C: tape error} {NS}{C: tape error} {X}{C: tape error} Interviewer: okay and it happened exactly how long ago 303: year ago{C: tape error} Interviewer: okay you look up at the sky and say I don't the looks of those black 303: clouds{C: tape error} Interviewer: okay and on a day where the sun shines how would you describe a day like this? 303: pleasant{C: tape error} Interviewer: mm-kay any other words? 303: beautiful{C: tape error} day{C: tape error} Interviewer: okay and on a day when it's the sky is covered with clouds and {NS} 303: {NW} call that a {NS} gloomy day{NS} cloudy{NS} or a cloudy day {NS} Interviewer: you call that a 303: gloomy day Interviewer: okay and if it had been fair and then clouds come in you expect it to rain or snow 303: mm Interviewer: real soon you'd say that 303: {X}{NS} looks like {NS} {D: snowing}{NS} Interviewer: okay or that the weather was 303: {NS} was unfair{C: tape error} {NS} Interviewer: unfair? {NS} 303: mm unfair{C: tape error} Interviewer: What do you mean unfair? 303: Why{C: tape error} {X}{C: tape error} {D: looks like snow}{C: tape error} more snow or rain{C: tape error} and uh{C: tape error} turning cold{C: tape error} Interviewer: mm-kay um and if it had been cloudy did the clouds go away? sun comes out you say it looks like it's gonna 303: fair{C: tape error} it won't snow or rain{C: tape error} Interviewer: and um and uh What do you call a heavy rain that lasts just a little while? 303: call it a shower{C: tape error} a big shower{C: tape error} Interviewer: okay if it's real heavy 303: call that a {NS} a water spout Interviewer: What do you call a water spout that lasts just a little while? what's 303: water {X} be a cloud burst Interviewer: okay {C: tape error} 303: and uh when it rains {D: ahead of it} all at once we call it a water spout some would call it a {C: tape error} a cloud burst water {NS} Interviewer: Have you ever heard {X} that has um thunder and lightning in it? 303: {NW} why I call that a {NS}{C: tape error} uh{C: tape error} {NS} I can't recall what {C: tape error} I know what it is but I can't recall it{C: tape error} Interviewer: Would you call it a storm or a 303: Storm{C: tape error} storm or either{C: tape error} {NS} uh heavy wind or either tornado {NS} or either cyclone{C: tape error} Interviewer: mm-hmm {NS} okay say all night long the wind 303: blowed Interviewer: okay um you say {NS} um that was pretty bad last night but the wind has what even harder than that before the wind has 303: ceased{C: tape error} Interviewer: or the wind has 303: has blowed hard{C: tape error} Interviewer: okay um you say it started to rain and the wind began to 303: pick up Interviewer: or the wind began to 303: blow{C: tape error} {C: tape error} Interviewer: okay um {NS} and um okay you say the wind began to pick up 303: oh Interviewer: {D: their budgets} it's just the opposite the wind was getting weaker 303: we call those ceasting Interviewer: okay um and on a day in the Fall when you first go outdoors its it's kind of cold but not real cold you'd say that it was 303: #1 get- # Interviewer: #2 get- # 303: getting mighty chilly Interviewer: okay um what do you call a okay um what do you call a a wind from this direction 303: South{C: tape error} Interviewer: okay you say the wind is 303: in the south Interviewer: okay um and wind halfway between south and west you'd call a 303: Southwest{C: tape error} you'd call it a {C: tape error} Southwest wind or{C: tape error} Interviewer: okay What about halfway between south and east? 303: it's called a{C: tape error} {X}{C: tape error} {NS}{C: tape error} East{C: tape error} east-south wind{C: tape error} Interviewer: okay what about halfway between east and north? 303: {NW} call it a northeast wind {C: tape error} Interviewer: okay and between west and north 303: the west north wind{C: tape error} the west-north wind Interviewer: okay if it had been raining but not raining very hard you'd say that you you just had a 303: shower Interviewer: okay what about even less than that 303: had sprinkled{NW} Interviewer: okay what about even less with real fine drops coming down 303: {NW} sort of a{C: tape error} a sizzle{C: tape error} Interviewer: a sizzle? 303: a sizzle{C: tape error} of rain{C: tape error} Interviewer: mm-kay um what if you go outside and you can't even see across the street you'd say that you have 303: mighty{C: tape error} foggy this morning Interviewer: okay what did you have? there was a big 303: fog{C: tape error} Interviewer: okay um if no rain comes for weeks and weeks you say you're having a 303: dry spell Interviewer: {NS} okay or another word for that? a a dro- 303: uh {D: I know what it be called} {NS} drought{C: tape error} {NS} drought{C: tape error} Interviewer: okay um if it was cold enough to kill the tomatoes and flowers you'd say last night we had a 303: frost Interviewer: okay um and you say or last night the lake 303: froze over{C: tape error} Interviewer: okay and you say it had already before I got there it had already 303: froze{C: tape error} Interviewer: okay and you say if it gets much colder the lake might 303: freeze over Interviewer: okay um how about how high the roofs are you'd say this roof is about 303: uh I don't know exactly{C: tape error} Interviewer: say about ten 303: ten to twelve{C: tape error} {C: tape error} twelve or sixteen{C: tape error} Interviewer: or how how the heighth of it you'd say it's about ten 303: mm about ten Interviewer: ten what? 303: uh ten{C: tape error} ten feet{C: tape error} {NS} Interviewer: okay um what do you call the room like this where you have chairs and where the company would sit and so forth 303: we call that the si-{C: tape error} sitting room{C: tape error} Interviewer: okay um say if you're say well you can give him his choice of these two things but you don't tell him that he what care which one you think you give him that he just 303: uh {NW} {X} {NS} {X} Interviewer: say you give him a choice of two things it doesn't make any difference to him you say that he's 303: he's uh he's {X} {X} {X} {X} Interviewer: okay but yous- he'll tell you he care which one you give him 303: well then I'd say{C: tape error} well it don't make no difference to me if you want that {X} Interviewer: okay um you say it doesn't make any difference to me I'll take 303: {D: take this one} Interviewer: or I- I'll take one I'll take 303: the the one to {C: tape error} started with{C: tape error} Interviewer: okay someone says do you want this one or that one and you say oh just give me 303: this one Interviewer: okay I'll take 303: take that{C: tape error} Interviewer: okay um say if someone gives you a both things are are bad you say oh I don't want {D: them back} oh would you say I don't want either one or either one {C: pronunciation} 303: I don't want either one Interviewer: okay {NS}