303: Brown skin or high yellow or high brown {NS} {X} {C: tape silence} He don't want you to call him that. Interviewer: He doesn't want you to call him what? 303: {D: mulatto} {C: tape noise} That's the color. {C: tape noise} color {X} And then they call him that. {D: The dark} {X} And white people didn't call {C: tape noise} A white nigger. {NW} A white nigger. {C: tape noise} Interviewer: You've heard that. High high yellow? 303: High yellow. Or high brown. Interviewer: Mm-hmm. 303: Uh they call me {C: tape noise} what they call me. {C: tape noise} {X} {C: tape noise} washed you {X} {X} they call them for an extra name shine. Interviewer: Shine. 303: Shine. {NS} Interviewer: Who calls them that? 303: #1 Huh? # Interviewer: #2 White people # or black people? 303: No that's black people. Interviewer: I mean that- black people call black people that or 303: No the- the- the {C: tape noise} black people call one another shine Interviewer: #1 {D: Sometimes} # 303: #2 {D: sometimes} # And I know white people calls them shine. Hey shine. Yeah, come here. {X} He's alright with that. He {C: tape noise} do what he wants to do. Interviewer: Yeah. {C: tape noise} 303: No. He- he {X} It don't fit to call him {X} {C: tape noise} He's uh on the negro side uh if he's black or brown or {X} {NS} Uh he goes in the negro class. Interviewer: Uh-huh. 303: Negro. {X} You know nigga but {C: tape noise} that's the short. {C: tape noise} the right name is negro. Interviewer: Yeah. 303: -ro. {C: tape noise} Interviewer: Um {NS} if you use the word common about a person is that good or bad? {C: tape noise} 303: Common. Interviewer: Uh-huh. Say the person is common. {C: tape noise} 303: Well {C: tape noise} no that's alright. That's {C: tape noise} pretty good {C: tape noise} for him if he's common. {C: tape noise} pretty good. {NS} Interviewer: What if you say that a girl is common? Does that mean anything different? 303: No. No. Interviewer: Okay. Um {C: tape noise} And uh do you ever hear the word oh Do you ever hear the word honky? Or hunky? 303: Honky? Yeah. I- yeah. Honky. {D: or honky} {C: tape noise} {NS} That means to oh uh word that somebody give you. Uh if somebody's called a honky. Interviewer: Mm-hmm. {NS} They call white people that? Or black people? Or what? {NS} 303: Well I hear white people call one another honky but I never did no negro. {NS} Interviewer: Yeah. {C: tape noise} 303: White people sometimes use it but I don't {C: tape noise} hear the nigger and negro uh whatever his name is {C: tape noise} {X} I've traveled in five different states. When I was a young man I never heard of that {NS} up until now. Interviewer: Mm-hmm. 303: I never. {X} {NS} Interviewer: Where- where did you travel? {NS} 303: Huh? Interviewer: Where did you travel? {C: tape noise} 303: {X} Illinois. {C: tape noise} Kentucky. {C: tape noise} Maryland. And uh {C: tape noise} {X} {NS} Interviewer: Okay say it wasn't quite midnight and someone asked you what time it is. You'd say Oh it isn't quite midnight yet but it's 303: {X} five minutes to midnight. {C: tape noise} Interviewer: You say this Say you go outside and it's {C: tape noise} real icy and slippery. You say uh it's really hard to walk out there. Um {C: tape noise} I kept my balance you know but {C: tape noise} but I like {C: tape noise} a couple a' times I like 303: to fell. {C: tape noise} {X} to fall. {C: tape noise} Like to fall. I like to {C: tape noise} Interviewer: And say someone's waiting for you to get ready {C: tape noise} y'all could go somewhere. And they call out to you and ask you if you'll 303: You're ready. Interviewer: Yeah. And you say well I'll be with you in in 303: five minutes. Interviewer: Or in ju- just- {C: tape noise} 303: Uh {C: tape noise} just {C: tape noise} Interviewer: You say just you know one minute. I'll be with you in 303: in just w- one minute or five. Whatever it is. Interviewer: Okay now say you're going toward Nashville. And you know you're on the right road but you're not sure of the distance. You'd ask somebody how 303: How {X} is it in to Nashville? Interviewer: Okay. And if you wanted to know how many times say that I drove into Watertown You might ask me how {NS} 303: Going to town to {C: tape noise} get some groceries. I'll have my car fixed or something. Interviewer: Mm-hmm. And you want to know how many times. You'd ask someone how {C: tape noise} what do you go into town? How {C: tape noise} 303: How many times. Interviewer: Or how o- 303: I'd go to town about twice a week. {NS} Interviewer: Say if if you're given a choice of two things um {C: tape noise} and someone asks you know. Which one do you want? And you say Oh it doesn't make any difference to me. Just give me 303: uh just give me the the first thing you had {C: tape noise} Interviewer: Or just give me one. Just give me 303: {X} Give me one. Interviewer: Just give me {NS} What one. Just give me 303: Give me the one on the right. Interviewer: Okay. Um Or say um {NS} Okay um 303: {NW} Interviewer: Pointing out parts of your body now. This part of my head 303: Mm. Interviewer: is called my {NS} forehead. 303: or either my {NS} Uh some would call it {X} my forehead. Or either my skull. Interviewer: Okay and this is my {NS} 303: What? Interviewer: This is 303: my hair. {C: tape noise} Interviewer: And on a man hair here would be a {C: tape noise} 303: Whiskers. Interviewer: Okay or you'd call that a Say if you hadn't shaved in a couple of days you'd say you must be growing a 303: mustache. Interviewer: Or a 303: Or a Interviewer: a be- 303: {X} a beard. Interviewer: Okay and this is my {C: tape noise} 303: Ear. Interviewer: Which one? 303: Left. Interviewer: Huh? 303: My left ear. Interviewer: And this is my 303: right. Interviewer: My what? 303: Right ear. {NS} Interviewer: Okay. And this is my 303: mouth. Interviewer: And this is my {NS} 303: throat. {NS} Interviewer: Or the whole thing is the 303: neck. Interviewer: Okay. What does the word goozle mean? 303: Huh? Interviewer: The word goozle? 303: Yes ma'am. {C: tape noise} It's right here. {C: tape noise} Interviewer: That thing that sticks out? 303: Uh-huh. {C: tape noise} Interviewer: Okay what- what did you call that? {NS} 303: Uh goozle. Interviewer: Okay. Uh {NS} 303: Swallow. {X} Y- You swallow. Interviewer: Okay. Um and these are my {C: tape noise} 303: teeth. Interviewer: And this would be one 303: one teeth out or something. Interviewer: Okay this um 303: {X} teeth. Interviewer: Okay. You s- Say you go to the dentist and the dentist says he has to fill that 303: that {NS} fill that plug. {C: tape noise} Interviewer: Or {C: tape noise} This is my front {NS} 303: front front teeth. {NS} Two two front teeth. I forgot what they're called. Interviewer: Um but you'd call one of them just one of them would be called {C: tape noise} one {C: tape noise} 303: one tooth. Interviewer: Okay. {C: tape noise} Um and the flesh around your teeth. {NS} 303: Huh? {C: tape noise} Interviewer: flesh around your teeth? 303: It would be gum. {C: tape noise} Interviewer: Okay. And this part of my hand? {C: tape noise} 303: Palm of my hand. Interviewer: Okay. And this is a {C: tape noise} 303: My my fist. Interviewer: {X} two? 303: Two {C: tape noise} uh my right and left. Interviewer: Okay these are two 303: two fists. Interviewer: Okay. And the place where the bones come together. You call that a 303: joint. Interviewer: And on a man {C: background noise} on a man this part of his body would be called a 303: breast. Interviewer: Uh would you say that about a man? {C: tape noise} 303: Breast. Interviewer: {C: tape noise} Um is there another word for that? {NS} 303: Chest. Interviewer: Okay um And {C: tape noise} these are my 303: shoulder. Interviewer: Okay. And this is one 303: joint. Interviewer: Or one 303: Or one hand. Interviewer: And two? 303: Uh two hands. Interviewer: Okay. And this is my 303: uh leg. Interviewer: And this is my 303: feet. Foot. Interviewer: Okay and two would be 303: two feet. Interviewer: Okay. {NS} Um and this bone right here that's real sensitive. {C: tape noise} 303: {X} {C: background noise} Interviewer: Okay but this bone here. 303: That's the main part of the bone {X} Interviewer: Okay. Do you ever call it shins {C: tape noise} 303: Shank bone. Interviewer: Shank bone? 303: Mm-hmm. Interviewer: Okay. Um if I got down like this you'd say that I {C: tape noise} 303: Uh Interviewer: How do you call that? 303: Uh {C: tape noise} I can't {C: tape noise} uh sit down in a stoop. Interviewer: Uh-huh. 303: And uh uh I know it but I can't talk. {C: tape noise} Interviewer: Okay. {NS} Okay or you say you're down on your {NS} 303: Hunker? Interviewer: Okay. Um say somebody's been sick for a while and he's up and about now {C: tape noise} but he still looks a bit {C: tape noise} 303: bit under the weather. Interviewer: Okay. Or would you use another {C: tape noise} expression for that? 303: Or he's {C: tape noise} doing a lot better. Interviewer: Okay. Um Someone who could lift heavy weights that has been oh real healthy and so forth you'd say that he's 303: A giant. Interviewer: Okay but someone who is um you say he's big and 303: and heavy {NS} and big and stout. Interviewer: Okay. {C: tape noise} Um {C: tape noise} Would you ever use the word stout talking about butter that was turning bad? {C: tape noise} 303: {C: background noise} Interviewer: Talking about butter that was turning bad. 303: Oh. {C: tape noise} Interviewer: Someone's knocking on your door. {NS} on your back door. 303: {X} {C:someone comes in} This lady is ta- is {X} taking old records {C: tape noise} uh from all the people Uh she's a school girl {NS} and she {X} and uh she- she asks you a lotta questions and see if you can answer 'em. I'm answering about {X} aux: From back in your 303: Back in my young days before I come through {X} And uh my daddy was born and my grandpa {C: tape noise} my second grandpa. {X} {C: tape noise} two for {X} aux: {X} 303: {D: I couldn't help it} Of course they skipped over that. If I couldn't tell you And that's what she {X} Just {X} She says this it's for her I don't have now no money or nothing. Just {X} She is going to school. It helps her more than it does me although I'm just sitting here telling what she asked me. aux: Well the uh let me excuse my interruption but let me say one thing. 303: Yeah. aux: That uh back in your days and in mine down to present time {X} {X} 303: Some other thing. aux: {X} You know what we're drifting to now and we don't understand? 303: No. aux: Like what she's getting now 303: Mm. aux: And you would {X} what you would think. {C: tape noise} I'll put it this way. {NS} 303: {NW} aux: What we don't have in this country what we used to have 303: #1 Mm-hmm. # aux: #2 {X} # you know we used to could go out on these places they don't go and cut some fine timber and build homes. 303: That's right. aux: They see it's done gone now. 303: #1 Uh # aux: #2 {D: See what I mean? # 303: Yeah. aux: {X} that people today 303: Uh-huh. aux: Would back in the times I've just now spoke about cutting the timber and build buildings in this country they don't have now they used to have. Cuz I remember when you coulda {X} You could find it. You don't find 303: #1 {X} # aux: #2 it today. # {X} 303: Mm-hmm. aux: {X} And uh understand we get good people #1 {X} # 303: #2 yeah that's right. # aux: {X} {X} 303: That's right. aux: And uh 303: {NW} aux: {X} drove on up. Drove on up down to the {X} {C: tape noise} 303: That's right. aux: {X} {D: The water uphill now} and it get a lotta drift and it drift down and if the water get backed up it gonna run over someone. {X} 303: I see. {C: tape noise} aux: That uh starting place uh {X} {X} 303: Yeah. aux: But as time moves on {X} {C: tape noise} 303: #1 And the whole thing # aux: #2 Well they going # thing started with these good things come from. 303: {X} aux: They come from {X} You see what I mean? 303: Yes. aux: They started from {X} {C: tape noise} that people {X} They going this a way and we hoping they go the right way but then you get a bunch a' birds {X} 303: That's right. aux: {X} {NS} That's what the ladies looking for now. I talked to a lady when I {X} And she get off her time. You know they have different shifts? 303: Yeah. aux: {X} miss Smith that I'm gonna talk with you. I told {X} 303: {NW} aux: {D: seventy years} {C: tape noise} and they just growing 303: {X} aux: {X} 303: Yeah. aux: {D: I could tell her some things} {X} {C: tape noise} {X} 303: Mm-hmm. aux: And so we should- I am proud of the young people 303: That's taking it aux: that's taking up the {X} {C: tape noise} what we started and {D: what- what we headed to now} {C: tape noise} We need to find them them {X} 303: That's right. {C: tape noise} aux: {X} save lives. After the operations I've had 303: Yeah. aux: I know years ago they couldn't {X} {C: background noise} time to {X} {C: tape noise} That's what we're proud of {C: tape noise} It's already done and spent the time {C: tape noise} {D: for some just- I'll put it this way. Just ain't themselves.} You say oh you tell me something. {X} as when you told me you're gonna do that and then time's run out and you hadn't done it {X} 303: Yeah. I see. aux: See what I mean? 303: Yeah I see. aux: {X} 303: I see what you mean. {C: tape noise} pretty good aux: {C: background noise} generations 303: Mm. aux: {X} You know what the good book says. 303: Yeah. aux: You grow old I mean {X} 303: {X} aux: {X} 303: Yes sir. aux: {D: See we don't come to that point.} {X} 303: Yes. aux: {X} the young ladies {X} tell you things that {C: tape noise} back in {X} back in my days and your days {X} {C: tape noise} 303: have the opportunity to- to qualify {X} or anything else aux: {C: tape noise} {X} {C: tape noise} You know what's happening lately? 303: Mm-mm. aux: {C: tape noise} But God almighty put us on this planet 303: Mm. aux: He didn't put us {X} {C: tape noise} how else they could come to that conclusion {X} it's going {C: background noise} {X} But you know what he said? He said {X} {C: tape noise} {X} {C: tape noise} and then go up {X} and do these things and still maybe come back alive. 303: Mm. aux: But some a' these days you know {X} 303: Yeah. I see what you mean. {C: tape noise} aux: {X} 303: Mm. aux: out of {X} {C: tape noise} 303: Yeah I guess he did. aux: But he {X} You see he's so good. The lord is so good and kind. {X} woman or man. Either one {X} get on the right side and come over here. {C: tape noise} 303: That's right. aux: {X} {C: tape noise} 303: Yeah well {X} {X} aux: {NW} 303: {X} aux: {NW} 303: {X} {X} {C: tape noise} aux: No I didn't {X} I'll come down {C: tape noise} five gallons of 303: #1 gas # aux: #2 gas # and poured it into tractor tank {X} but I pulled out {C: tape noise} 303: {X} Well you've certainly done that aux: {X} {C: tape noise} 303: How many operations you had? aux: Three. {X} 303: Mm. {C: tape noise} aux: {X} I've asked the lord {X} {C: tape noise} and guide me in the way he should have me to go. 303: Mm. aux: {X} 303: Uh-huh. aux: {X} If you got your faith in the almighty and then he will speak to your conscience. Your conscience always guides you anyhow. 303: It guides you. That's aux: #1 Your # 303: #2 right. # aux: conscience. It guides you. {X} It guides you. {NS} And you can start down a road {X} Well I'm gonna do something wrong but that old conscience gonna {X} like you know you ain't doing right. 303: Yeah. aux: {X} {X} ain't no good thing gonna come to you. {C: background noise} 303: That's right. aux: Trying to get you {X} {C: tape noise} {X} 303: Come aux: You come out there {X} {C: tape noise} {X} 303: That's right. aux: {C: tape noise} 303: That's right. {C: tape noise} aux: {X} 303: Mm-hmm. aux: The thing that I'm trying to do in an honest way 303: Mm. aux: {X} {NS} The lord I ask you to make me able 303: Yeah. aux: do these things 303: Yeah. aux: and I ain't doing nothing {X} 303: Yeah. aux: do these things. Then uh {C: background noise} {X} get out here and just say I'm gonna do something mean just {X} do the thing I don't go {D: in that direction} 303: {X} aux: {X} {X} and I'm not gonna just become {C: tape noise} cuz I'm not myself. {C: tape noise} I belong to the master. 303: Mm-hmm. aux: Cuz he wanna pick me up {C: tape noise} ball of clay 303: Mm-hmm. aux: and blow breath in me {C: background noise} they walk around thinking control yourself {X} so long. 303: That's right. aux: But you belong to God. 303: Mm-hmm. {X} Obey his order. aux: That's what I say. You belong to him. 303: Yeah. aux: You don't even have no control {C: tape noise} {X} 303: {X} what do you mean next time you're doing that trap thing aux: No I didn't {X} By the time I did start it uh you know {C: tape noise} 303: yeah but that's all right {X} but don't you ride that thing Well aux: Don't let me interfere {X} {C: tape noise} {X} 303: {D: I don't notice} {X} {C: tape noise} aux: {D: know for myself} {C: tape noise} {X} just keep on 303: Mm. aux: trusting {X} always the same come your way {X} 303: Mm. aux: {X} {C: background noise} do something or say something to somebody else and have all these good things come to you {X} {C: tape noise} He's able to do that. 303: He's able to do it. {X} {C: background noise} {C: tape noise} aux: I can't think of the name now {X} {X} {NS} {D: Michigan} {NS} {X} My home town. I was raised there. 303: Yeah. {X} aux: Yeah. I had 'em {X} 303: Mm. aux: {X} {C: tape noise} most of 'em {X} 303: Mm-hmm. aux: {X} {C: background noise} 303: Oh I see. aux: {C: tape noise} 303: I wanted to ask you this too. Uh {X} When you got to go back to doctor {X} aux: {X} I'm going back to {C: tape noise} 303: {X} aux: {X} I shoulda went back {C: tape noise} this coming friday but uh I put 'em off. {C: tape noise} {X} 303: Mm. aux: And I just what I wanna do I wanna {X} when I go back or I might have to go back {X} not have to go every week. 303: I see. aux: You know {X} I've asked him. I said doctor what about {D: me just} {X} 303: Mm. {NS} aux: Two weeks he said be just fine. 303: Mm-hmm. aux: And I'm gonna give myself time you know. 303: I see. aux: Yeah. 303: See what you mean. aux: Get well. 303: Yeah. {D: You wanna be in better shape} if you can. Uh let's see aux: So {X} our hay need to be cut 303: Yeah. aux: {X} need to be done. 303: {X} uh uh {X} too aux: Oh lordy you can say that again. 303: Yeah it's gonna be people gonna have a hard time {C: background noise} {X} in this country. {X} {C: tape noise} aux: And I'm gonna tell you another thing {X} {C: tape noise} And you {X} {C: tape noise} And you know that good book says {C: tape noise} 303: {X} aux: {X} 303: {X} aux: {X} 303: Mm. {C: tape noise} aux: Did you know {X} 303: #1 Yeah. # aux: #2 You know why we call 'em that? # 303: No. aux: Cuz that man is up yonder. He {X} {X} {C: tape noise} forget it cuz if you do {X} 303: Mm. aux: {X} people down here are you know {C: background noise} 303: Yeah. aux: But I said {X} {D: done mean things over night and every day} 303: Yeah. aux: {X} 303: {X} aux: You'll come along some time and {X} 303: Yeah. {X} aux: {X} You hit me and I'll hit you back. {X} You can't fight power with power. 303: No. {NS} No That's right. aux: {X} You got to have something {X} {C: tape noise} You hit me and I hit you back. We ain't doing no good. 303: No. aux: {X} {C: tape noise} {X} I've seen two women get up fighting {X} {C: tape noise} 303: {X} aux: You got to have 'em 303: Got to have something {C: tape noise} aux: If you let somebody come along {C: tape noise} {X} 303: Mm. aux: {D: If you were around at that time I said you might could tell me something {C: tape noise} and uh {NS} {C: tape noise} that you want to be uh {C: tape noise} {D: be a corn maker} {X} 303: Yeah. aux: {X} sitting on side of the bed and I was sitting on the big rocking chair 303: Mm. aux: And she said well {D: says uh} {C: background noise} {C: tape noise} {X} my mama could {D: tell her for me} 303: Yeah {X} aux: {X} {C: background noise} {X} {C: tape noise} {X} 303: Yeah. {X} aux: {X} {C: tape noise} and so {X} someday you'll go ahead and learn {X} 303: Yeah. Yeah. aux: You know most our people {X} for one reason. They don't {X} long enough. {C: background noise} cuz that {X} {C: background noise} {X} and that knot's untied {C: background noise} {C: tape noise} {X} {D: do a whole lotta shopping} 303: {X} aux: Before you do and I said don't let {X} {C: background noise} marry him. I say he won't be a husband. He just {X} just a {X} 303: Yeah. aux: {C: tape noise} {X} Alright. {X} sixteen or seventeen eighteen nineteen year olds 303: That's right. aux: Well alright if you don't mind. 303: Mm-hmm. aux: {X} too young. 303: Yeah. That's right. {X} aux: what it means to you. {X} years ago when I was young {C: tape noise} so and so {X} {D: well you do like it very much} He likes you very much. {C: tape noise} 303: {X} aux: {X} {D: go ahead and run} maybe {X} where you get into 303: Yeah. aux: on down to {X} look at a rose bush and you see some {C: tape noise} {X} {C: tape noise} {X} let you dance with some other man. He gonna let some other man dance with you. {X} {C: tape noise} There you go. {X} {C: tape noise} You didn't mean no harm {C: tape noise} {X} 303: Yes sir. aux: {D: There you go again} 303: Trouble. In Trouble. That's right. aux: And I told {X} my mother and father you know working with me so hard {C: tape noise} {X} {C: tape noise} 303: That's right. aux: {X} took him anyhow. 303: That's right. {C: tape noise} aux: {X} {C: tape noise} {X} {C: tape noise} have a home. You have a beautiful home. {X} {C: tape noise} {X} 303: {X} aux: #1 {X} # 303: #2 {X} # sixteen to seventeen. aux: {X} 303: Yeah. They gonna wait that {C: tape noise} aux: {X} 303: When you're in your truck. aux: Mm. {NS} 303: Uh {X} hard to drive when aux: #1 No. # 303: #2 {X} # aux: {X} operating I had I couldn't drive {X} last operation {C: background noise} {X} 303: {X} aux: And don't try to get into no big rush. 303: {D: I see.} Just take it easy aux: {X} {C: tape noise} 303: Well aux: I just thought I'd stop by and hello say hello to you. 303: Yeah well I'm glad you stopped. {C: tape noise} aux: Well tell this young lady {X} she's a young lady {X} 303: Mm. aux: All the things you could tell {X} cuz Say they can {X} she can concentrate on that you know. 303: Yeah. aux: Separate these things one from another and get a lot out that means a lot. Like a lady told me on {X} 303: Mm. aux: that uh what I had told {X} 303: Mm. aux: {X} Said I'll always keep that in mind {X} your friends {X} another thing what we can't do. {C: tape noise} {X} above he's able to {X} Now sometime I have seen {X} 303: Yeah. aux: {X} going on that a way but it go on down to someplace {X} already been talking to your boyfriend {D: and maybe get a hold of it} {X} 303: Yes sir. aux: I've seen that happen {X} {NW} {X} {X} cuz you're always running the bakery 303: Yeah. aux: {X} {C: background noise} {X} 303: Yeah. aux: And just keep- always keep praying 303: Yeah. aux: {X} {C: tape noise} always open up the ways {X} he'll have him come right back. And like I said when that {X} 303: {X} aux: {X} 303: {X} aux: {C: tape noise} And when you're when he puts you {C: tape noise} 303: {D: then you're together} aux: ain't no one- your mama your daddy {X} ain't gonna separate it. 303: Mm. aux: Cuz when he joins you together that's a fact. {C: background noise} {C: tape noise} {X} {NS} 303: {X} aux: together that's a fact. {C: tape noise} 303: That's right. {C: tape noise} aux: Without that I'm gonna tell you {C: tape noise} {X} in life. {D: There'll always be some conflict.} 303: Mm-hmm. aux: Or if you let god join you 303: Now aux: Your mama can't separate. Your daddy can't. 303: That's aux: Your sisters and brothers won't be no separation. Or friend or who. 303: Uh-huh. aux: When God joins you together that's when I said {X} {X} 303: Now. aux: {X} {C: tape noise} Yeah before you say I will. 303: Now. {X} {C: tape noise} aux: I know what I'm saying cuz I done seen it happen {X} what's happened to me. 303: Yeah. {C: tape noise} aux: If I didn't know what done happened and what will happen 303: Mm-hmm. aux: Oh I could tell you some things. 303: Well Chris I wanna ask this before you leave. {C: tape noise} I hear it other day that uh that bottom field down there {C: tape noise} your wife wouldn't let you s- wouldn't sign it unless you sell. aux: Well no she don't wanna. {X} dispose of it and uh 303: Well why? {C: tape noise} wouldn't it be better for you to let it go and aux: #1 {X} # 303: #2 {X} # aux: {X} 303: Mm. aux: at uh {C: tape noise} value to me. Not the {X} And now a' course I {X} other parts up there {X} corn or- or {X} 303: Yeah. aux: It- it {X} 303: See I just heared that so I wanna ask you {X} aux: {X} 303: {X} aux: {X} to sell it. 303: Oh. aux: And uh {X} {C: tape noise} 303: Well {X} aux: {D: time to} 303: Here's what I saw Why buy that while you're having so much trouble {X} {NS} all at once. And you wouldn't think about this coming on. {C: tape noise} I sold it it'd be {X} aux: #1 Well # 303: #2 That's what I think. # aux: I guess I guess it- I'll tell you what he told {X} 303: Mm-hmm. {NS} aux: is uh {C: tape noise} go down you can {X} {C: tape noise} {X} {C: background noise} {X} But now the- you know we've got too many people {C: tape noise} and those {X} {D: our population} is growing {X} at the- it takes a whole lot {X} I gotta lotta grandkids 303: Yeah. aux: And I've got children. 303: Yeah. aux: And you don't ever know {X} population is growing so spread out and everywhere you go down the highway {D: and in town} {X} and somebody got {X} {C: tape noise} 303: Well just so you know what that I prophesize Um uh {C: tape noise} back then when I was kinda the youngun and now I'm kinda the old old man. and I prophesized and the old men do prophesize and lots of them thinks that I'm dumb There'll be a time come that we can't get gas. {C: background noise} aux: It's a- it's about here now. 303: What? aux: It's- it's just about that {C: tape noise} in- in Nashville cost you a dollar a gallon now {C: tape noise} {X} ain't gonna be able to get gas. {C: tape noise} Now. {C: tape noise} Now. Cuz {X} {C: tape noise} 303: I heared that. {C: tape noise} that they doing it now Well when they allow {X} aux: foot what god gave you to walk on. 303: Oh Lord {C: tape noise} aux: {X} {C: tape noise} I'm gonna have to {X} living too fast. 303: Yeah. aux: Living their life too fast. 303: That's right. aux: You can go ahead and {X} you go ahead {X} {D: town out at night} 303: Yeah. aux: And since all these things {X} down yonder {X} running. Lotta running {C: tape noise} nothing just riding over town {X} And they just say I'm gonna live it up {X} there over yonder {C: tape noise} play it out. 303: Yeah. aux: You know we were letting it play out {C: tape noise} 303: Well {X} ain't they making as much gas as they ever was. {X} uh gas {C: tape noise} aux: {X} for a company. 303: Yeah. aux: So much of these oil fields {X} 303: talking about aux: {X} And I said the people kinda take over. {C: tape noise} {X} outta here. 303: Mm. aux: {X} {C: tape noise} drop in the bucket. {X} these people {X} and got these {D: big station} in place of gas {X} {C: tape noise} {X} 303: Yeah. aux: That's one of the problems {X} 303: Yeah. aux: {X} 303: Well I remember once {C: tape noise} that eh you had to have {C: background noise} Well I reckon {C: tape noise} aux: it might do it but {X} {C: tape noise} 303: {X} {C: tape noise} Oh I see. aux: {X} 303: Oh I see what you mean. aux: {X} last friday. 303: {X} aux: {C: tape noise} {X} {C: tape noise} coming back and forth to work and that's the way you got to make your living today. 303: Yeah. Well now {X} by them people with so many doing that {C: tape noise} what will they do if they they can't get no gas bout their job {C: tape noise} aux: {X} just like they water it down and {X} 303: Oh yeah. aux: Uh {X} {D: well they'll be fixed} all these people {X} just like you go down here and get some food stamps they don't know about what you're what you have done and how much you make before you {D: get there on food stamp day.} 303: Yeah. aux: {X} well I ain't doing nothing {X} {C: tape noise} {X} maybe enough gas to go to church on. And if you ain't got a {X} make your- on your living going to your work well you won't get no {C: tape noise} {X} 303: Mm. aux: Cuz I can't figure it all out {X} 303: No. aux: And I've got too much time I get to getting myself up yonder I don't have much time to look in on somebody else's trouble. 303: That's right. aux: Cuz I ain't able to help nobody. All I'm able to help {X} 303: Mm. aux: Just able to {X} but I'm too weak to help anybody. 303: That's right. aux: Cuz time might get to y- helping myself my hands are both full. 303: Mm. aux: #1 {X} # 303: #2 Right. # aux: {X} {C: background noise} seek him cuz he's able and I'm not. 303: Mm that's right. Ooh that's something. {NS} {C: tape noise} aux: {X} 303: Mm. {NS} aux: I laid down in the hospital three long weeks. 303: Good night. aux: There was a young lady. A man had his neck broke. He come {X} {C: tape noise} 303: Mm. aux: {X} There are six beds in a no four beds in a room where I was at {X} had a second operation. 303: Uh-huh. {C: tape noise} aux: And this little boy {X} about this high and a little girl little bit {C: tape noise} 303: Mm. aux: {X} she had one and there's four of 'em. And there's two girls and two boys but two of 'em the one the boy was married and the girl was married. 303: Mm. aux: And uh this man {C: background noise} {C: tape noise} 303: Mm. aux: And my bed made it four beds in that room. 303: Mm. aux: And {X} cuz I couldn't get up and walk {C: tape noise} and uh {NS} He come up right and talk with me. He had a {X} had a collar on his neck where he got his neck broke. {C: background noise} {X} say yes sir. That's my son 303: Mm. aux: and my daughter. They did come in to see me. 303: Mm. aux: I said well I said it's nice looking people. 303: Sure. aux: I said they're beautiful. 303: Mm. aux: And uh said I've got {X} couple down here 303: Mm. aux: And uh says uh living at him with him. {NS} And uh they come down. They still {X} daughter would've married the son {X} {C: tape noise} I guess the little girl and the little boy went on a date 303: Mm. aux: and they come in there {X} 303: Mm. aux: {X} 303: Mm. aux: Said is this miss smith? I say {X} throw it in the waste basket 303: Mm. aux: He said {X} I said well {X} I guess I don't know enough. 303: Yes sir. aux: And uh he shook hands with {X} little girl. 303: Mm. aux: And they went back sat down so 303: Mm-hmm. aux: {X} and I see a lady standing in the door down there 303: Mm. aux: when that first couple come up {C: background noise} 303: Mm-hmm. aux: Then uh {X} he come up uh and sat down {X} miss smith said do you see that woman standing out there on that thing looking head on {X} {C: tape noise} had on these green looking trousers. 303: Mm. aux: {X} what she had on. 303: #1 Yeah. # aux: #2 But I know # {X} 303: #1 Yeah. Yeah. # aux: #2 {X} # And uh I see him point down {X} {D: says that is my wife.} 303: Mm-hmm. aux: I said 303: {X} aux: {X} says I ain't. Say it used to be my wife. {X} 303: #1 Yeah. # aux: #2 That's the # wife a' these children {C: pronunciation} 303: Oh I see aux: And I said well I said excuse me I said I didn't know that. 303: Mm. aux: Said what's happened? I said if {X} doing some things you did {X} well I said no 303: Mm. aux: {X} {NS} And I said how come you still ain't a preacher? 303: Mm-hmm. aux: Said he just got off. I said now listen I said you know God don't give you nothing {X} you can give a somebody something and you get mad. Want him to give it back to you. 303: Yeah. aux: I said if you ever been the lord's servant. Accept him as your savior I said now you still {X} those away cuz he gonna give you things and take it away from you. 303: {X} aux: I say he's too kind to do that. {X} I say he's still that same God. 303: Yeah. aux: {X} {C: background noise} {X} {C: tape noise} 303: Mm. aux: {X} and a twenty year old boy. 303: Mm-hmm. aux: And he had a daughter. That daughter and son were {X} the daughter was {X} 303: Mm-hmm. aux: And uh I said they're beautiful. {X} {C: tape noise}