Aux: Well I say when we get down in that last quarter I want some gas in there, I don't want to get below that #1 last # Interviewer: #2 Yeah. # Aux: quarter. Interviewer: Um we were talking well first of all um talking about flowers, if you went outside and cut some flowers to put them in the house, you'd put them in a 330: Vase. Interviewer: Okay. Okay and we're talking about medicine um this is something that say if you it's a brown liquid medicine and it stings. Say if you had cut your finger or something. 330: Iodine? Interviewer: Okay. And this is a white bitter powder that people used to take for colds. 330: Quinine. Interviewer: Okay. Um okay say if a man was shot and didn't recover you'd say that he 330: Well got shot fatally. Interviewer: Okay. And you'd say the doctor did everything he could but #1 still # 330: #2 {X} # couldn't save him. Interviewer: Okay so the man 330: Died. Interviewer: Okay. Any other ways of saying died? any- 330: Anything else different than than died? Interviewer: Yeah any nicer ways of saying died. 330: Well I guess well I don't I guess I don't I can't think of a word {X} Interviewer: Maybe something like "passed" 330: Passed away? Interviewer: or something. Yeah. Does that sound a little bit nicer? 330: Well I think I've heard it both ways. Passed away died I guess it would. Passed away. Interviewer: Okay what about ways of saying that that aren't very nice, like you'd say um I'm glad that old miser finally 330: {NW} Interviewer: what? 330: {NW} {X} Said you're glad the old miser did did something? {X} Old miser died passed away? Interviewer: Okay. Would you ever say kicked the 330: {X} Interviewer: Kicked the 330: Kicked her? Interviewer: Kicked the bucket? 330: Oh yeah yeah I've heard 'em say kicked the bucket. Yeah mm-hmm. Interviewer: Okay. 330: So and so kicked the bucket. {X} {D: heard that} quite a few times. Interviewer: Okay you'd say he was a very important man, everybody turned out for his {C: tape overlaid} 330: He's a very important man and then turned out bad? Interviewer: Yeah. Say the man died and everybody came to his 330: Funeral. Interviewer: Okay. And if people are dressed in black you'd say that they're in 330: In mour- in uh they're they're friends mourn Interviewer: Huh? They're in 330: I'd say said they're dressed in black colored {X} well they was they was uh his uh I guess you'd call it close friends {D: is} #1 why # Interviewer: #2 Yeah. # 330: you'd dress in black you know. Interviewer: Yeah. 330: You lose your husband. Interviewer: You said if they're in mour- 330: In what? Interviewer: In mourning? 330: In yeah in mourning. They would they would be weeping and black clothes. Interviewer: Okay um what if they were really worked up over his death? I mean just sort of going hysterical? 330: {D: Well uh they were they was uh} about to have a breakdown if they didn't straighten up, you know some of 'em do go just about nuts crazy. In a case like that you know just give up. Say you can't take it can't stand it. {X} {X} breakdown. some folks died Is that anyway Interviewer: Yeah. Okay um suppose someone met you on the street and asked you on a average day how you were feeling you'd say oh 330: Oh just just kinda solid. I'd say I'm very well or something I don't know. There'd be several ways you could put at it. Not too I don't feel too good today now or something or other like that. Interviewer: Okay. 330: Most of 'em I don't feel good either. Now. Interviewer: Okay say um say your children are out late and your wife is getting a little excited about it you'd say oh they'll get home alright, just don't 330: Just quiet down take it easy or something. Interviewer: Just don't 330: er get panicked. Interviewer: Or don't don't you 330: Fret? Interviewer: Okay what about worry? Don't you 330: Worry? Interviewer: Okay. Um when you're getting old and {NW} your joints get all stiff and so forth you'd say you've got 330: Rheumatism. Interviewer: Okay. Any other name for that? 330: {D: arthritis} I'd say. I guess I've heard the doctor say that. {X} Interviewer: Okay um this is a sore throat that children used to die from you'd get blisters on the inside of your throat and they'd they'd choke up 330: Diphtheria? Interviewer: Okay. Um and what about a disease where your your skin turns yellow? 330: Yellow jaundice. Interviewer: Okay. Um and when you have your appendix taken out you say that you've had an attack of 330: Appendicitis. Interviewer: Okay. Is there anything else people used to call that? 330: Well there wasn't very many operated on years ago. I was operated on when I was a young boy but very few very very few times you'd hear older people were scared of it you know to be operated on. And uh instead of being operated on for appendicitis uh something that you uh something else that it could be called? {X} I guess uh just say well uh I had my appendix taken out. {X} Interviewer: Okay um suppose you ate something that didn't agree with you and it came back up, you'd say that you had the 330: Upset stomach. Interviewer: Okay but when it comes back up you'd say you 330: I threw up vomit? Interviewer: Okay um is okay you used two words there, threw up and vomit. 330: #1 Uh-huh. # Interviewer: #2 Which # Does one of 'em seem nicer? Or 330: I think I guess uh threw up throwing up would be nicer than vomiting wouldn't it? Interviewer: Okay. What about a really crude way of saying that? 330: Uh nowadays what you say it Interviewer: Yeah. 330: Uh oh Interviewer: Or a way of saying that that's not very nice. 330: Way of saying what? Interviewer: A way of saying vomit that's not very nice 330: No, I Interviewer: Joking 330: Uh I can't think of it I've I've heard it {X} but I can't think of what they say call it. Interviewer: You ever heard of puke, or 330: Yes, I've heard of {X} I've heard puke. Interviewer: Is that 330: That sounds better than than throwing up or vomit. Interviewer: Does it sound better to you? Or does it sound worse? 330: Well I think it would wouldn't sound as good to me but now it may it might be the proper way for it to be said. Interviewer: Okay is there anything that sounds worse than puke? 330: {X} Interviewer: Okay if a person vomited you'd say he was sick 330: Deathly sick. Interviewer: Where? 330: Stomach. Interviewer: Huh? 330: Deathly sick in the stomach. Interviewer: Okay. Um Okay suppose someone had gotten some you had just gotten some news that surprised you a lot you know? Um and you went across the street and told your neighbor the news and someone asked you why did you go across the street and you said well I went over there 330: To to tell him about the thing accident? Interviewer: Okay. Um and if you invite someone to come and see you this evening um you might tell 'em now if if he doesn't come I what? 330: Be disappointed? Interviewer: If he what was that? 330: I'd be disappointed if I asked him to come and he didn't come. Interviewer: Okay. Would you ever use the word shall? I shall be disappointed? 330: Yeah I guess I would. Might be alright. I shall be disappointed if you don't come. Interviewer: Okay um you might tell someone anytime you can come over we'll be 330: Well Interviewer: Or we'll be what to see you? 330: We'd be glad to see you. Interviewer: Okay. Any other words? 330: Well uh Interviewer: Would you say we'll be proud to see 330: Proud to see you? Interviewer: Okay um say if a boy kept going over to a girl's house and was spending a lot of time with her and seriously interested in her you'd say that he was 330: Falling in love with her. Interviewer: Okay. Or um he keeps going over there and he would you say would you use the word courting her or some expression like that? 330: Yes. {D: I would say that he was} courting her. {NS} He was falling in love with her. {D: I never} {X} courting I guess you'd say the same, you know. That's usually what happens when you fall in love, you take 'em by the hand and you get {NW} see 'em pretty often uh Interviewer: Okay um in this case he would be called her 330: Sweetheart. Interviewer: Okay. Um and she would be called his 330: Well well I guess she'd be called his sweetheart, too. Interviewer: Okay. And if the boy came home with lipstick on his collar you'd say that he had been 330: {NW} He'd been kissed. Interviewer: Okay any 330: By the girl by his girlfriend. Interviewer: Any other words you'd use besides kissing? 330: Well uh mooching. Guess you'd they'd been mooching I'd say. Interviewer: Okay. {NS} Um say if he asks her to marry him and she doesn't want to you'd say that she did what to him? 330: She uh she well she didn't want when he asked her to marry him she didn't want to? Interviewer: Yeah. 330: Well she didn't lo- I'd say she didn't love him Interviewer: Okay. 330: well enough. Interviewer: Would you say she she gave him the gate, or threw him over or jilted him, or 330: Well something like that, she she uh she had made her led him wrong to believing that you know that she he thought she did and then you know talked pretty to him and then she she turned him down. {D: Nine times outta ten though} there would be another boy in the in the picture I'd say. Most times are you know there's another boy. {X} {D: just figures} Interviewer: {X} 330: Yeah. Something like that {X} another girl in the picture. {X} {NS} Interviewer: Okay so you say that she didn't turn him down, you'd say they went ahead and got 330: Gotten married. Interviewer: Okay. 330: Set the date and got married. Interviewer: Any other word you'd use besides married? They 330: Well well I've heard of get getting hitched. And uh well I don't know how {D: too many things about} about marrying but they tied tied it tied tied up I guess. You could say. Interviewer: Yeah. 330: Sometimes. Interviewer: Okay at a wedding the boy that stands up with the groom you'd call him the 330: The wedding what? Interviewer: At the wedding you know the boy that stands up with the groom? 330: His uh well the usual thing is that the it's his best friend, boy Interviewer: Yeah. 330: That stands up for him. Interviewer: What do you call him? 330: Oh. Oh I guess best man. Interviewer: Okay. What about the woman that stands up with the bride? 330: Best uh maid, uh {D: isn't it} best uh well it's the best girlfriend she she would have that would be a {NW} Interviewer: Would you say brides 330: I bridesmaid I'd say. Interviewer: Okay. Um what about this is kind of old fashioned but maybe you'll remember say after a wedding the people in the town would get together make a lot of noise you know ring cowbells and fire pistols and and ride the the groom on the rail a rail or something like that 330: Celebrate? The wedding? Interviewer: Okay do do you remember what that was called? 330: Well just a just a a celebration. Like I guess I don't know what it would be. You know the name for it to have. Interviewer: Yeah. 330: They said that a whole bunch would get together and celebrate? I {D: well they} I guess happiness celebration I don't know. Interviewer: Did you ever hear shivaree or serenade or 330: Serenade, yeah I've heard serenade. Interviewer: What's that? 330: Well {NW} I've seen 'em tie tin cans and cups to the cars {D: everybody young you know lit 'em} they'd start off dragging 'em with noise Interviewer: Yeah. 330: I've seen that happen a lot of the time. Tin can full of full of gravel something that'll {D: start off you know...} I've seen that done quite a few times. Interviewer: And you'd call that a serenade? 330: Mm-hmm serenade. That's what I called it. {C: tape overlaid} Interviewer: Okay. Um I'm interested in words like up or down or over like talking about location, like would okay how would you say I was up in Nashville or over in Nashville or 330: I'd down to Nashville. Interviewer: What's that? 330: Down {C: stuttering} to Nashville or up up to Nashville. Interviewer: Would you say down to Nashville or up to Nashville? 330: Well uh went to Nashville. Interviewer: Yeah but using one of these other words like 330: Up or down? Interviewer: Yeah. How do people #1 usually # 330: #2 I'd say # Interviewer: say that? 330: I'd say going up to Nashville. Interviewer: Okay. What about say Knoxville? 330: Oh went up to Knoxville. Last week I just did or something or other I did. Interviewer: Okay. What about Chattanooga? 330: Same thing, I'd say. Up to Chattanooga. Interviewer: You wouldn't say over to Chattanooga or down to Chattanooga? 330: Well I'd say up to it. Interviewer: Okay what about Atlanta? 330: Well I went down to Atlanta. Last just did last week. Something. That's what I'd say, going down. Interviewer: Did you ever use over? 330: #1 Over to Atlanta? # Interviewer: #2 {X} # Yeah what about to Franklin, how would you say that? 330: Well going over to Franklin. {X} {X} going on to Franklin just did so and so Interviewer: Mm-hmm. 330: That's the way I'd I'd say that. Interviewer: What do those words mean to you? Like does up mean north, or does it mean does it have to do with direction? Or elevation? Or 330: Why elevation I'd say. Up, down here I said Knoxville. Chattanooga is just kinda up {X} would be on flatter ground downgrade. Interviewer: So you'd say you went down to Nashville? 330: Mm-hmm down to Nashville. Day before yesterday. That's the way I'd say it. Interviewer: Okay um what did y'all used to do for entertainment? 330: {X} Interviewer: Yeah. 330: Well we had parties. {X} parties. And we had some things called dances in the community. Interviewer: What what tell me about these dances. What types did you have {X} 330: They were they were square dances, we called 'em Interviewer: Uh-huh. 330: No one had a couple, boys and girls Interviewer: {NW} 330: They'd dance and then they'd have a guy setting up guy sitting up on a table in the room to take everything out of the room big room, where the wanted to give us to dance and put the eating table up in there that the men would get up on to make the music. And the men called sets. Have you ever seen anybody you've you never seen anybody dance those television? Interviewer: I may have seen it on television but I've never been to one. 330: {D: they have it on television very pretty you know} call it, and dancing with a girl boy they really they really can {X} Interviewer: They really could what? 330: They really I I'd say putting on the dog. {D: cutting up extra good dancing} we {X} I danced one for years and years. {X} everybody but {X} girlfriend came out another night to get my buggy. The girls go home and {D: snowed in I put my boot rubs on my horse} {D: and there'd be snow six inches deep on him} {C: tape overlaid} and had to take it off and and all the way we had to have it in a heat would be {X} {D: like Atlanta} {X} Interviewer: A buggy ride? What was that you said? 330: Great big heavy rug with a you kept to keep yourself warm you somebody rode with you you and the girl you know wrapped around the legs, feet kept warm. Had a lining had a lining on it. I did that first car cuz car didn't have no heaters you know they didn't Interviewer: Yeah. 330: I kept it in the mean time that's my buggy rug I used it on that car. {D: I kept the buggy rug and we'd take the lining and set down} floor boards under that rug and it'd keep us as warm as a stove under there. Interviewer: Wasn't that dangerous? 330: You've seen a lined one haven't you? Interviewer: Yeah but wasn't there a chance of the buggy rug catching fire? 330: Mm-mm not on that lining. Uh it wouldn't get hot enough on top. It had a metal top you up there to it know it wouldn't get hot enough to it'd it'd get warm but I mean it wouldn't set to fire. Interviewer: Yeah. 330: {X} It'd be almost you know real down close to zero and I did it. Course if it wasn't too cold you didn't need nothing but the rug. Interviewer: Yeah. 330: But I kept it up like even where I am to ball games it'd be in zero. {D: car} I kept that down under. {X} too cold to play ball. Well the gym wasn't too good now back in that day it was right cold. Interviewer: Yeah. 330: {X} all we had was big stove make {X} and you and gym wouldn't be tight. You'd feel the air blowing in on you {X} Interviewer: Okay say if children got out of school at four oh clock you'd say at four oh clock school 330: Turns out. Interviewer: Okay. And then children might ask um after vacation they might ask what time does school 330: Start? Interviewer: Okay. Um say if a boy left home to go to school and never showed up in school that day you'd say that he 330: Played hooky. Interviewer: Okay 330: That's what I'd say, I don't know. I don't know of anyone that has played hooky {X} I mean a lot of 'em do now I guess but {X} they tell me course I don't know but they used to have to be {X} hide or go someplace or get into {X} lay out till school time then come back and people'd think that he was at school all day {X} I never did I know I know other boys who did. Interviewer: Okay say you go to school to get a what? 330: Uh a girls and boys going to school together? Interviewer: Yeah why why would people go to school? 330: They go to school to to learn. Interviewer: Okay or to get a 330: {X} to learn how to do do make a living life Interviewer: Okay. 330: I'd say. {X} lot of 'em didn't get much I didn't now nowadays everybody can get a high school education {X} just wasn't money in the high schools back then my time hardly at all And I don't imagine there's a Interviewer: {NW} 330: oh I don't imagine twenty-five percent of the people got a high school education back when I was young. Most all of 'em dropped out some of 'em did start but didn't go long you know, just drop out. {X} Interviewer: Nowadays after high school people a lot of times go on to 330: College. Interviewer: Okay. And after kindergarten you go into the 330: Go into the grammar school. Interviewer: Which which grade though? 330: First grade. Interviewer: Okay. Is that is there an older word for first grade? Older expression? 330: Uh well I uh I guess you could call it grammar. Grammar they had {X} before anything Interviewer: Yeah. 330: {D: steady} I never have really known nothing about this the kindergarten what they really do. {X} they sort of train 'em don't they? To get along with one another act and know how to do and behave. Interviewer: Yeah. I think they teach 'em a few things. Like counting. 330: Yeah I got a little grandson in Memphis that {NW} {X} say something, a little speech or something or other. {X} {X} {D: now he's ready for school} Interviewer: {NW} 330: He's a character. Smart as a whip though. He's too too smart {X} He sits there watch television and he can tell you everything what he's seen. For weeks. {X} We never dreamt there never would ever be such a thing I still didn't believe it when they first kept talking about it you're gonna have television I didn't think it'd ever come. I didn't believe they could be talking in New York we could sit and watch 'em. But it sure did happen. Interviewer: I guess that was kinda surprising your first television. 330: {D: this radio was sure a shock} Interviewer: How was that? 330: Well there there's a party that one night a bunch of us boys and girls fellow from Nashville came out at his home and bought this uh little radio and just a little bitty thing had one ear phone just like you put up to your ear and talk in the telephone. Fact and uh he little old bitty thing piece of wood had a little bitty magnet there and had a little bitty he called it catgut {X} Interviewer: Mm-hmm. 330: It just stuck on that magnet. {NS} And you could hear music things playing. {X} and we'd pass it round each one would hold it a little while and listen some of 'em didn't {X} you know uh {X} {X} I said to him {X} {X} we just played rook did you ever play rook? Interviewer: Um maybe a couple of times I don't really know how. 330: We we we played a lot of rook back there then those boys and me. {X} couples you know and we'd {X} six or eight different people three or four couples can play. Maybe ten eleven oh clock. Have pop some popcorn, make some molasses balls {X} heat the molasses and pop this popcorn, roll it in and make balls about that big eat them We used to have we we we used to have a lot of fun, we enjoyed ourselves. Interviewer: Yeah. 330: But we couldn't get a {X} over furthest we went was being on the horse and buggy you know you couldn't go very far at night in the buggy and come back. wouldn't get too far from home. Interviewer: Okay a long time ago people used to children used to sit on benches at school but now they sit at 330: They uh huh? Nowadays I guess they sit in uh I guess they have chairs, I don't know what really I hadn't been in a classroom {X} {X} I guess that they have do they have chairs now? Interviewer: Yeah it's something kinda like a chair only it's got a top to it, and a place to store things. 330: Okay. Interviewer: You'd call it a 330: Desk? Interviewer: Okay. So um {NS} so maybe thirty children would be in a room and then um and they'd be sitting at these 330: Th- these desks? Interviewer: Okay. Um and if you wanted to check out a book in town you'd go to the 330: Principal. Interviewer: Okay or to the public 330: Library. Interviewer: Okay. And if you wanted to mail a letter, you'd go to the 330: Post office. Interviewer: Okay. And you'd stay overnight in a strange town at a 330: Spent the night in a so and so Interviewer: Yeah 330: sp- I spent the night last in Knoxville at a Asheville, North Carolina {X} Interviewer: Okay you'd um the building that you'd stay in you'd call that a 330: Motel Interviewer: Or a 330: A hotel. Interviewer: Okay. Um and if you wanted to see a play or a movie you'd go to the 330: Go to see a play or m- movie go to the picture show Interviewer: Okay or another name for that you'd go to the 330: The um uh Interviewer: Go to the the- 330: Um Interviewer: The- 330: This uh {X} Interviewer: Hmm? 330: Go to a {X} to see the show practice show {X} used to come on stage in Nashville. We'd go down there and tell all the people come on {D: ask 'em} People come up there on stage and they'd show there's still some other name that I should call it? The theater? Interviewer: Yeah. What was that prince? 330: That's what we called it {X} people in sales would come out there and put it on it wasn't a it wasn't like the you know when they were back see when I first started going to shows uh the guy had to announce 'em you know. Interviewer: Yes. 330: And then they finally got to where they they uh say that announcer guy were was {X} do the talking and then then they come along behind that with people I mean a lot of live people would come out Interviewer: Mm-hmm. 330: And put the show on {X} in front of 'em. We called it {X} {D: apprentice} down there in Nashville. Theater Interviewer: {D: How'd you get that?} 330: {D: apprentice} theater. Interviewer: {X} 330: That's what I that's what we that's what we called it {D: apprentice} theater in Nashville where they come out perform and the auditorium now they got a big auditorium down there where they have all this stuff at show you know putting on the show Interviewer: Yeah. 330: I've never been in it but they have one of course seven thousand people in that thing. But some of 'em {X} I think you'd get to see well you don't know what's going on but you got one of those things you you have to look through a little Interviewer: Yeah. 330: {X} place like that see 'em put on. Interviewer: Okay if you were real sick you might have to go into the 330: Hospital? Interviewer: Okay and the woman that'd look after you 330: Nurse. Interviewer: Okay. Um and if you wanted to catch a train you'd go to the 330: Depot. Interviewer: Okay. Any or or you might call it the rail 330: Station. Interviewer: The what? 330: Railroad station. Interviewer: Okay. Um and the place in town with the you know the around the courthouse with all the grass and trees and so forth 330: Uh what'd you call that around the courthouse? Courthouse yard? Interviewer: Okay. Um 330: Long call that I'd call that yard it's like that {X} in Franklin where we have a big place sitting around there most of 'em too some playing chess {X} meets there every day sit down there and play chess. Interviewer: {NW} 330: And I've seen it done in Jackson too great big time. Interviewer: Yeah. 330: People sitting there early morning they'd be come out there and park out there on their benches and chairs and sit out there in the courtyard {X} I guess they get a big kick out of it or they I mean they're most aged people like Interviewer: Yeah. 330: to come out there and just spend their time out there I never did have no time to sit on a courtyard I have to have stopped a few times coming back {D: course I was gonna watch 'em play} chess little old Franklin they have the time Interviewer: {NW} 330: You can {X} {X} Interviewer: Okay two streets cross, say um or say say there's a a big um lot and you could go around it on the sidewalk like this you know or but instead of doing that you go like this you say you're walking 330: On the pavement? Interviewer: Okay or you're you're walking you're technically short cut see you say you're walking 330: Oh {X} making a short cut across I'd go across the street. Interviewer: Yeah um you ever heard kitty cornered, or catty cornered, or catty-wampus, or any word like that? 330: {X} Interviewer: Say you're two streets intersect and you start walking from one corner and walk across to the other corner 330: There? Does it stop? The corner? Be uh like a stop light you know. Stopping one corner to the other. Interviewer: Mm-hmm. 330: And you call it uh uh walking with the traffic. Way I'd call it, I've seen a blind man do that go across the street and he start out with his walking stick and then he'd hear the traffic he'd take on with 'em and go across that Interviewer: Yeah but say {NS} say it's it's across like this and you're supposed to walk say if you wanted to get from this corner to this one over here you're supposed to go this way and then this way see? But instead you just cut 330: Cross. Interviewer: Yeah. 330: cut across. Interviewer: Okay would you have an expression for that? 330: Short way. Interviewer: Okay. 330: It'd be the short way. Cross, I'd say. Interviewer: Okay um and before they had buses in the cities they used to have 330: Street cars. Interviewer: Okay. And you'd tell the bus driver this next corner is where I want 330: Get off. Interviewer: Okay. Um and {NS} you hear in this county um Franklin is the 330: County seat? Interviewer: Okay. And say if you were um an FBI agent you'd be working for the federal 330: Government. Interviewer: Okay. And the police in the town are supposed to maintain 330: Order. Peace and order. Interviewer: Okay. Or another word you might use law 330: Law in law enforcement law and order Interviewer: Okay. Um and the fight that they had in this country between the north and the south was called the 330: The uh oh uh uh heck uh no nothing {X} Interviewer: Did you hear the civ- 330: Civil War? Interviewer: Okay. Um 330: Is that right, Civil War? Interviewer: {X} Um okay these are some names of some states and some cities um the biggest city in this country is in what state? 330: Well it's in New York I I guess New York still has got the largest city. Interviewer: Okay. Um and Baltimore is in 330: Baltimore Massachusetts? Interviewer: Okay. Um and Richmond is the capital of 330: Virginia? Interviewer: Okay name some of the states around here. In the South. 330: In this in the country? Interviewer: Yeah. 330: Well Mississippi, Alabama Louisiana Georgia Tennessee South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia Arkansas Interviewer: Okay. 330: I guess that's about really all that claim to be southern states isn't it? Interviewer: Yeah. 330: {D: did I name 'em all?} Eleven of 'em I think Texas! Texas Interviewer: Okay. Um what about some there's another state I'm thinking of that's {NS} near Arkansas but it's not um it's not really southern it didn't it was on the Yankee side in the Civil War. 330: {X} it's close to Arkansas? Interviewer: Yeah it's it's around that area. 330: Oklahoma? Interviewer: Okay um what about some other states? 330: Well Missouri is up there Kentucky Interviewer: Okay. Um 330: And uh Indiana Interviewer: Okay. What about um {NW} you'd say the states from Maine to Connecticut you call those the 330: To Connecticut? Interviewer: Yeah that that area you'd call that 330: Eastern well Interviewer: Yeah or what about the New 330: New New England states? Interviewer: Okay. Um and the state where you get a lot of oranges from. 330: Florida? Interviewer: Okay. Um and {NS} the state um the capital of this country is in 330: Washington, D.C. Interviewer: Okay. What about a state near that? 330: Near Washington? Interviewer: Yeah. 330: Virginia? Interviewer: Okay what about another one? 330: Uh uh I guess you mean just beyond Interviewer: #1 Yeah. # 330: #2 Washington? # Interviewer: #1 # 330: #2 # Interviewer: Starts with an M. 330: Maryland? Interviewer: Okay. What's the biggest city in Maryland? 330: Balt- it's Balt- Interviewer: Yeah. 330: Baltimore? Interviewer: Okay. Um and the biggest city in Missouri 330: Uh I guess it's Cin- {X} well it's Cincinnati. Ohio is Cincinnati Saint Louis I guess is the biggest one I don't know. Interviewer: Um yeah that's what I'd say. Um this is a sea port in South Carolina. It's real old. A historical sea port. 330: Sea port? It's uh Myrtle Beach? Interviewer: I'm thinking of Char- 330: Huh? Interviewer: Charles- 330: Charleston? South Carolina? Interviewer: Okay. Um and the big steel making city in Alabama 330: Steel? Interviewer: Steel-making. 330: Oh. In Alabama? Interviewer: Uh-huh. 330: Iron iron steel Interviewer: I'm thinking of Birm- well what are some of the big cities in Alabama? 330: Birmingham. Interviewer: Okay. 330: Biggest one Interviewer: Okay um what about a city in Illinois? Big city. 330: Ohio I meant uh Chicago. Interviewer: Okay. Um and 330: Chicago is total large city Interviewer: Yeah 330: It's one of the big ones. I guess Los Angeles is next to New York I'd say. And I imagine Chicago's about there Interviewer: Yeah. 330: Largest city. {C: tape overlaid} Interviewer: Um what are some other cities in Alabama? 330: Mobile Decatur Huntsville Interviewer: What about the capital? 330: That's uh that's uh Montgomery. Interviewer: Okay. Um and the city up in the mountains in North Carolina 330: Asheville? Interviewer: Okay. And um let's see the the four biggest cities in Tennessee. 330: Memphis the largest, then Nashville, then Knoxville, then Chattanooga. Interviewer: Memphis is the largest? 330: Mm-hmm by far. {X} Interviewer: I thought Nashville #1 was the largest. # 330: #2 Mm-mm # {D: way behind} {X} always we always had the number one {X} until things got to changing {X} give it to Memphis. {X} Interviewer: Yeah. 330: that's really what all's been. {X} course Nashville being the capital you know Interviewer: Yeah. 330: It has to be number one, the government. {X} But now he brought 'em a {D: plane} we don't have to have a car. Interviewer: {NW} 330: {D: someone raided the sandbox said} we had to buy it I said I don't wanna I don't care if we buy two planes I just we just had to pay our taxes and what they do with it I've got nothing to do with that. Interviewer: Yeah. {X} 330: Yeah I bet. Chattanooga's not huge but it it's a big one. And and uh Jackson, Jackson's a pretty good size, too. {D: I take my} Chattanooga's fourth. Interviewer: Okay um what about some cities in Georgia? 330: In Georgia? Interviewer: Yeah. 330: Well Fitzgerald um Atlanta and uh Waycross Statesboro Interviewer: What about the city the sea port in Georgia? Way over in east Georgia? 330: East Georgia. Interviewer: An older seaport. 330: I never been to Georgia much I don't know. Interviewer: What about Sav- Savan- 330: Sava- Savannah, Georgia? Interviewer: Yeah. 330: Yeah I've heard of it. Is that the old Interviewer: Yeah. 330: old uh sea port? Interviewer: What about a city in southern Georgia? It's it's not sixty miles out of Atlanta I think. 330: Way down south? Interviewer: Yeah. 330: Well Statesboro is down there a good piece. And uh and Waycross is too. Interviewer: Yeah. I'm thinking of a city that's right in the middle though. Sort of of Georgia. It starts with an M. 330: Macon, Georgia? Interviewer: Okay. Um and you know Fort Benning? 330: Fort Benning? Interviewer: Yeah do you know what what city is that near? 330: Uh {X} Interviewer: Think Colu- 330: Columbus? Georgia? Interviewer: Huh? 330: Columbus? Interviewer: Yeah okay um what about some cities in Louisiana? 330: Well um {NW} {NW} I don't know much about Louisiana I never been there in my life. I guess uh um {X} Interviewer: The city where they have Mardi Gras, you know. 330: I just can't Interviewer: New New Or- 330: New Orleans? Isn't it? Big school in uh L-S-U big school but I don't know what where Interviewer: Yeah. 330: {NW} city or {NS} I guess it's I don't know what's the biggest city in {X} and that course {X} some people talk but I never been out there in my life. Interviewer: Yeah. What about the capital of Louisiana? 330: It's uh {NW} uh I really don't know Interviewer: What about Bat- 330: Baton Rouge? Interviewer: Yeah. That's what I was thinking of. Okay what about the biggest city in southern Ohio? 330: Biggest city in Ohio? Interviewer: Yeah. Southern Ohio. 330: I guess Cleveland. Interviewer: Okay what but in southern Ohio you know. 330: Southern Ohio? Interviewer: Yeah. Cin- 330: Cincinnati? Interviewer: Okay. And the biggest 330: {X} Interviewer: Huh? 330: Cincinnati is right out of Louisville, right? Interviewer: Yeah. 330: Up the river. Interviewer: Okay. 330: I've never been there, but I've been to Louisville. Interviewer: You have? 330: Louisville Kentucky great big place. And then down to {X} great big place too. Interviewer: How'd you get to go up there? 330: We went I went up there once trip with uh four kennel of pigs up at night came back the next day daytime where I could see. Interviewer: You brought a what load? 330: {D: ket load} pigs up there {D: fellow did sell} you know {D: all pigs up there and sell 'em} Interviewer: You brought a 330: {X} in a big truck Interviewer: Yeah what what kind of load did you call that? Ket? 330: Pigs? Little bitty small pigs. Interviewer: Yeah you used the word you didn't say car load of pigs, you said 330: Truck load. Interviewer: Okay. 330: Had three {X} {X} three hundred and ten. One load. {D: that night} we we stopped up there just before we got to Louisville at the truck stop and eating some supper then started to drink some coffee cuz we got in the {X} {D: got exhausted} {X} took the road all night long all day next day coming back. {X} That's the only time I'd ever been up in there. I never had been up in in {X} or {X} Interviewer: Yeah. 330: Louisville {X} never been to Louisville I been to a lot of you know southern states. I mean uh counties I been to Bowling Green and Franklin Scottsboro, and uh another one, too. {X} {X} I been to quite a few in Kentucky. Never been to Florida but one time when I {X} {NW} Interviewer: Oh yeah you were telling me about that. 330: {X} {NS} Interviewer: About how far would you say it is from here to Nashville? 330: Thirty miles, about thirty miles. Interviewer: Okay. Um say if someone asked you to go with 'em someplace but you're not sure you want to you'd say well I'm not sure 330: That I care to go? Interviewer: Okay. Um and say you had a choice of two things and you say well first of all I was I was gonna do this but then I decided that I'd do that in 330: I I would do do uh something else? Interviewer: {X} I'll do that in- 330: Instead of going you mean? Interviewer: Huh? 330: Instead of going? Someplace with somebody? Interviewer: Okay. Um and say say if a man is really funny and you like him for that reason you'd say well I like him 330: But he's real he's real jolly? Interviewer: Okay. Um what are some names names of some of the churches big churches around in the south? 330: Big churches? Interviewer: Yeah. 330: Well there's there's uh Missionary Baptists Christian people {X} they don't like most of 'em don't like to be called but the {X} churches {NS} {D: and Methodists} Catholics and uh uh Interviewer: What was that first thing you said? 330: Presbyterians? Interviewer: Mission 330: Missionary Baptist. Interviewer: Okay. Um say two people become members of a church you'd say they 330: They joined the church. Interviewer: Okay. And you go to church to pray to