I. Informant number: LAGS(INF211) II. CD number: 6 III. Student's Name: Jonathan Chestnut IV. Date started: 09.05.2008 V. Date finished: 09.05.2008 VI. Actions taken in dealing with the file: 1. Audio file's features: 48,000 Hz, 24 bit, Mono 2. Tempo edited to 66.500 beats per minute 3. Auto region set up using "Build using the current tempo". Tempo set at 60 measures and 60 beats. 4. File saved as LAGS(INF211)6.wav in C:\Jonathan\LAGS(INF211)\LAGS(INF211)6 5. Regions extracted from LAGS(INF211)6.wav and saved as wave files in the C:\Jonathan_temp\LAGS(INF211)6wav folder (Lap 169) 6. Files from LAGS(INF211)6wav converted into mp3 format and saved in C:\Jonathan\LAGS(INF211)\LAGS(INF211)6\LAGS(INF211)6mp3 7. Folder with wave files deleted. 8. Informant: comfortable 9. Interview: formal