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We have 1 175 entries sorted by "Number of projects". Click on a column header to sort.

#Page and lineQuestion labelNumber of projectsActions
185793.1come again! /to a visitor/1Show
18568.8it burns to) white ashes1Show
18552.5good day!1Show
18542.3good morning!1Show
185318.2she) rinses (the dishes1Show
185218.1I must) wash the dishes1Show
185139.5a little way (over1Show
185030.2drainage) canal1Show
184930.1they are) draining (the marshes1Show
18483.4we work until) sunset1Show
18473.2we start to work before) sunrise1Show
184521.8stone boat1Show
184010.4bthe broom is behind (the door1Show
18397.7the room is) nine foot high1Show
18386.3it) blew (and blew1Show
18375.1he is) three year(s) old1Show
18363.3the sun) rose (at six1Show
183511.4have driven (many a nail1Show
183411.3I drove in (a nail1Show
183399.5*Get rid of them1Show
183299.3in good) humor1Show
183199.2give me another chance!1Show
183098.6who) caught (it?1Show
182998.2don't you touch it!1Show
182897.5may I) take you home?1Show
Note: All the data used by this tool is available for download through the LAP Data Download Center.
This site is hosted by the University of Georgia. (v1.3 2019/08)