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We have 1 175 entries sorted by "Question label". Click on a column header to sort.

#Page and lineQuestion labelNumber of projectsActions
175371.1how often (do you go to town?1Show
172048.5how often) have you eaten (today?1Show
864056.1lHusks /on ear of corn/2Show
625103.9gI 'think so2Show
871057.5lI ain't) beholden (to nobody2Show
459025.3gI am not1Show
222057.6I can (do it /stress on 'do'/1Show
173357.6I can do it1Show
442012.7gI do it (all the time1Show
534049.6gI don't care for any2Show
179088.2I don't know as I want to1Show
568078.7gI don't know what) he died of2Show
173457.8I done worked (all day1Show
529049.1gI drank (a lot of it3Show
183411.3I drove in (a nail1Show
181394.2I had to do some) shopping (downtown1Show
478034.3gI have never) ridden (a horse2Show
440012.5gI haven't1Show
437012.2gI haven't1Show
172149.6I helped myself1Show
584088.6gI like him) 'count of (he's so funny1Show
179388.5I like him) count of (he's so funny1Show
1012098.1lI lugged2Show
173958.7I might could (do it1Show
907063.1lI must ask) my husband2Show
908063.2lI must ask) my wife2Show
185218.1I must) wash the dishes1Show
180791.2I sure can1Show
Note: All the data used by this tool is available for download through the LAP Data Download Center.
This site is hosted by the University of Georgia. (v1.3 2019/08)