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We have 1 175 entries sorted by "Question label". Click on a column header to sort.

#Page and lineQuestion labelNumber of projectsActions
649007.6lThe lake) froze over (last night2Show
653008.4lThe lamp, etc. is on the) mantle shelf2Show
826046.9lThe meat is) spoiled2Show
172351.2the molasses are (thick1Show
177385.8the murderer was (hanged1Show
808039.4lThe nigh horse2Show
750027.8lThe pockets) bulge1Show
130027.8The pockets) bulge1Show
937069.7lThe poor whites /white man's terms/2Show
622102.6gThe road was all) torn up2Show
18397.7the room is) nine foot high1Show
940072.7lThe shins2Show
424003.3gThe sun _rose_1Show
18363.3the sun) rose (at six1Show
638005.6lThe weather is changing2Show
645007.2lThe wind is) picking up2Show
538052.1gThem there boys2Show
458025.2gThere are1Show
454024.7gThey are going1Show
118024.5They are going) to launch the boat2Show
970079.3lThey are in) mourning2Show
184930.1they are) draining (the marshes1Show
735022.8lThey are) seesawing1Show
179589.2they joined (the church1Show
524044.1gThey've got to look out) for themselves2Show
627104.2gThey) fought (all the time2Show
Note: All the data used by this tool is available for download through the LAP Data Download Center.
This site is hosted by the University of Georgia. (v1.3 2019/08)